bnd(1) Create and diagnose OSGi bundles.


bnd [general-options] [cmd] [cmd-options]

bnd [general-options] <file>.jar

bnd [general-options] <file>.bnd


The bnd tool helps you create and diagnose OSGi bundles. The key functions are:

 * Show the manifest and JAR contents of a bundle
 * Wrap a JAR so that it becomes a bundle
 * Create a Bundle from a specification and a class path
 * Verify the validity of the manifest entries


Same as the property --failok. The current run will create a JAR file even if there were errors.
Will print the exception when the software has ran into a bad exception and bails out. Normally only a message is printed. For debugging or diagnostic reasons, the exception stack trace can be very helpful.


Available commands:

  baseline          - Compare a newer bundle to a baselined bundle and provide
                      versioning advice
  bnd               - The swiss army tool for OSGi
  build             - Build a project. This will create the jars defined in the
                      bnd.bnd and sub-builders.
  buildx            - Build project, is deprecated but here for backward
  bump              - Bumps the version of a project
  clean             - Clean a project
  convert           - Converter to different formats
  create            - Create jar, used to support backward compatible java jar
  debug             - Show a lot of info about the project you're in
  deliverables      - Show all deliverables from this workspace. with their
                      current version and path.
  diff              - Diff jars
  digest            - Digests a number of files
  do                - Execute a file based on its extension. Supported
                      extensions are: bnd (build), bndrun (run), and jar (print)
  eclipse           - Show info about the current directory's eclipse project
  extract           - Extract files from a JAR file, equivalent jar command
                      x[vf] (syntax supported)
  grep              - Grep the manifest of bundles/jar files.
  info              - Show key project variables
  macro             - Show macro value
  maven             - Maven bundle command
  package           - Package a bnd or bndrun file into a single jar that
                      executes with java -jar <>.jar
  print             - Printout the JAR
  project           - Execute a Project action, or if no parms given, show
                      information about the project
  release           - Release this project
  repo              - Manage the repositories
  run               - Run a project in the OSGi launcher
  runtests          - Run OSGi tests and create report
  schema            - Highly specialized function to create an overview of
                      package deltas in ees
  select            - Helps finding information in a set of JARs by filtering on
                      manifest data and printing out selected information.
  settings          - Set bnd/jpm global variables
  source            - Merge a binary jar with its sources. It is possible to
                      specify source path
  syntax            - Access the internal bnd database of keywords and options
  test              - Test a project according to an OSGi test
  type              - List files int a JAR file, equivalent jar command t[vf]
                      (syntax supported)
  verify            - Verify jars
  version           - Show version information about bnd
  view              - View a resource from a JAR file.
  wrap              - Wrap a jar
  xref              - Show a cross references for all classes in a set of jars.