Lens calibration from straight lines
calibrate_lens [options]
- -p <filename>
Input Hugin PTO file.
- -j <filename>
Input file containing line data.
- -d <int>
Maximum dimension for re-sized image prior to processing. Default 1600
- -t <float>
Edge detector threshold. Default 4
- -m <float>
Minimum line length as a fraction of longest dimension. Default 0.3
- -y <float>
Corner threshold. Default 150
- -f <float>
Focal length (mm). Read from EXIF data.
- -c <float>
Crop factor. Read/calculated from EXIF data.
- -s <float>
Shortest dimension of sensor (mm), used to calculate crop factor.
- -l <int>
Lens model:
- 1 = Rectilinear (default)
- 2 = Equal-area fisheye
- 3 = Equal-angle fisheye
- 4 = Stereographic fisheye
- 5 = Orthographic fisheye
- 6 = Generic fisheye
- 7 = Universal
- -z <0|1>
Optimise image centre. Default 0
- -v <0|1>
Verbose. Default 0
- -h
Print usage.