camitk-actionstatemachine [OPTIONS]...DESCRIPTION
camitk-actionstatemachine is build using CamiTK 4.0Please visit for more information.
(c) UJF-Grenoble 1, CNRS, TIMC-IMAG UMR 5525
camitk-actionstatemachine is able to replay a pipeline (workflow) of CamiTK actions. This application takes an CamiTK augmented version of a SCXML subset as input and allow to replay interactive the described state-machine containing a list of CamiTK actions and transitions.
The targeted users are in R&D departments or laboratories.
- --help|-h
Print usage information and exit.
- --version|-v
Print CamiTK version message and exit
- --file|-f file
CamiTK SCXML document to play back in the state machine
- --outDir|-o dir
Output directory (will contains logs and saved files)