version 0.17SYNOPSIS
package MyApp::Controller::Foo;
use Moose;
use namespace::autoclean;
BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller::ActionRole' }
sub bar : Local Does('Moo') { ... }
This module allows one to apply Moose::Roles to the "Catalyst::Action"s for different controller methods.For that a "Does" attribute is provided. That attribute takes an argument, that determines the role, which is going to be applied. If that argument is prefixed with "+", it is assumed to be the full name of the role. If it's prefixed with "~", the name of your application followed by "::ActionRole::" is prepended. If it isn't prefixed with "+" or "~", the role name will be searched for in @INC according to the rules for role prefix searching.
It's possible to apply roles to all actions of a controller without specifying the "Does" keyword in every action definition:
package MyApp::Controller::Bar use Moose; use namespace::autoclean; BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller::ActionRole' } __PACKAGE__->config( action_roles => ['Foo', '~Bar'], ); # Has Catalyst::ActionRole::Foo and MyApp::ActionRole::Bar applied. # # If MyApp::ActionRole::Foo exists and is loadable, it will take # precedence over Catalyst::ActionRole::Foo. # # If MyApp::ActionRole::Bar exists and is loadable, it will be loaded, # but even if it doesn't exist Catalyst::ActionRole::Bar will not be loaded. sub moo : Local { ... }
Additionally, roles can be applied to selected actions without specifying "Does" using ``action'' in Catalyst::Controller and configured with ``action_args'' in Catalyst::Controller:
package MyApp::Controller::Baz; use Moose; use namespace::autoclean; BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller::ActionRole' } __PACKAGE__->config( action_roles => [qw( Foo )], action => { some_action => { Does => [qw( ~Bar )] }, another_action => { Does => [qw( +MyActionRole::Baz )] }, }, action_args => { another_action => { customarg => 'arg1' }, } ); # has Catalyst::ActionRole::Foo and MyApp::ActionRole::Bar applied sub some_action : Local { ... } # has Catalyst::ActionRole::Foo and MyActionRole::Baz applied # and associated action class would get additional arguments passed sub another_action : Local { ... }
This class attribute stores an array reference of role prefixes to search for role names in if they aren't prefixed with "+" or "~". It defaults to "[ 'Catalyst::ActionRole::' ]". See ``role prefix searching''._action_roles
This attribute stores an array reference of role names that will be applied to every action of this controller. It can be set by passing a "action_roles" argument to the constructor. The same expansions as for "Does" will be performed.METHODS
Gathers the list of roles to apply to an action with the given %action_args.DEPRECATION NOTICE
As of version 5.90013, Catalyst has merged this functionality into the core Catalyst::Controller. You should no longer use it for new development and we recommend switching to the core controller as soon as practical.ROLE PREFIX SEARCHING
Roles specified with no prefix are looked up under a set of role prefixes. The first prefix is always "MyApp::ActionRole::" (with "MyApp" replaced as appropriate for your application); the following prefixes are taken from the "_action_role_prefix" attribute.AUTHOR
Florian Ragwitz <[email protected]>COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE
This software is copyright (c) 2009 by Florian Ragwitz.This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
- Karen Etheridge <[email protected]>
- Tomas Doran <[email protected]>
- Hans Dieter Pearcey <[email protected]>
- Alex J. G. BurzyXski <[email protected]>
- Jason Kohles <[email protected]>
- William King <[email protected]>
- NAKAGAWA Masaki <[email protected]>
- Joenio Costa <[email protected]>
John Napiorkowski <[email protected]>