Catalyst::Controller::SRU(3) Dispatch SRU methods with Catalyst


package MyApp::Controller::SRU;
# use it as a base controller
use base qw( Catalyst::Controller::SRU );

# explain, scan and searchretrieve methods
sub explain {
my ( $self, $c,
$sru_request, # ISA SRU::Request::Explain
$sru_response, # ISA SRU::Response::Explain
) = @_;

sub scan {
my ( $self, $c,
$sru_request, # ISA SRU::Request::Scan
$sru_response, # ISA SRU::Response::Scan
$cql, # ISA CQL::Parser root node
) = @_;

sub searchRetrieve {
my ( $self, $c,
$sru_request, # ISA SRU::Request::SearchRetrieve
$sru_response, # ISA SRU::Response::SearchRetrieve
$cql, # ISA CQL::Parser root node
) = @_;


This module allows your controller class to dispatch SRU actions ("explain", "scan", and "searchRetrieve") from its own class.


index : Private

This method will create an SRU request, response and possibly a CQL object based on the type of SRU request it finds. It will then pass the data over to your customized method.


Brian Cassidy <[email protected]>


This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Ed Summers.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.