use Catalyst qw/Session Session::State::Cookie Session::Store::Foo/;
In order for Catalyst::Plugin::Session to work the session ID needs to be stored on the client, and the session data needs to be stored on the server.This plugin stores the session ID on the client using the cookie mechanism.
- make_session_cookie
- Returns a hash reference with the default values for new cookies.
- update_session_cookie $hash_ref
- Sets the cookie based on "cookie_name" in the response object.
- calc_expiry
- calculate_session_cookie_expires
- cookie_is_rejecting
- delete_session_id
- extend_session_id
- get_session_cookie
- get_session_id
- set_session_id
- prepare_cookies
- Will restore if an appropriate cookie is found.
- finalize_cookies
- Will set a cookie called "session" if it doesn't exist or if its value is not the current session id.
- setup_session
- Will set the "cookie_name" parameter to its default value if it isn't set.
- cookie_name
- The name of the cookie to store (defaults to "Catalyst::Utils::apprefix($c) . '_session'").
- cookie_domain
- The name of the domain to store in the cookie (defaults to current host)
- cookie_expires
- Number of seconds from now you want to elapse before cookie will expire. Set to 0 to create a session cookie, ie one which will die when the user's browser is shut down.
- cookie_secure
If this attribute set to 0 the cookie will not have the secure flag.
If this attribute set to 1 (or true for backward compatibility) - the cookie send by the server to the client will got the secure flag that tells the browser to send this cookies back to the server only via HTTPS.
If this attribute set to 2 then the cookie will got the secure flag only if the request that caused cookie generation was sent over https (this option is not good if you are mixing https and http in you application).
Default vaule is 0.
- cookie_httponly
If this attribute set to 0, the cookie will not have HTTPOnly flag.
If this attribute set to 1, the cookie will got HTTPOnly flag that should prevent client side Javascript accessing the cookie value - this makes some sort of session hijacking attacks significantly harder. Unfortunately not all browsers support this flag (MSIE 6 SP1+, Firefox, Opera 9.5+); if a browser is not aware of HTTPOnly the flag will be ignored.
Default value is 1.
Note1: Many peole are confused by the name ``HTTPOnly'' - it does not mean that this cookie works only over HTTP and not over HTTPS.
Note2: This parameter requires Catalyst::Runtime 5.80005 otherwise is skipped.
- cookie_path
- The path of the request url where cookie should be baked.
For example, you could stick this in
__PACKAGE__->config( 'Plugin::Session' => { cookie_domain => '', });
Sessions have to be created before the first write to be saved. For example:
sub action : Local { my ( $self, $c ) = @_; $c->res->write("foo"); $c->session( ... ); ... }
Will cause a session ID to not be set, because by the time a session is actually created the headers have already been sent to the client.
Yuval Kogman <[email protected]>CONTRIBUTORS
This module is derived from Catalyst::Plugin::Session::FastMmap code, and has been heavily modified since.
Andrew Ford Andy Grundman Christian Hansen Marcus Ramberg Jonathan Rockway E<lt>[email protected]<gt> Sebastian Riedel Florian Ragwitz
Copyright (c) 2005 - 2009 the Catalyst::Plugin::Session::State::Cookie ``AUTHORS'' and ``CONTRIBUTORS'' as listed above.LICENSE
This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.