In your lib/, load the plugin and your other plugins, for example:
use Catalyst qw/
In your .conf:
<Plugin::SmartURI> disposition host-header # application-wide uri_class URI::SmartURI # by default </Plugin::SmartURI>
Per request:
Methods on URIs:
<a href="[% c.uri_for('/foo').relative %]" ...
Configure whether "$c->uri_for" and "$c->req->uri_with" return absolute, hostless or relative URIs, or URIs based on the 'Host' header. Also allows configuring which URI class to use. Works on application-wide or per-request basis.This is useful in situations where you're for example, redirecting to a lighttpd from a firewall rule, instead of a real proxy, and you want your links and redirects to still work correctly.
To use your own URI class, just subclass URI::SmartURI and set "uri_class", or write a class that follows the same interface.
This plugin installs a custom "$c->request_class", however it does so in a way that won't break if you've already set "$c->request_class" yourself, ie. by using Catalyst::Action::REST (thanks mst!).
There is a minor performance penalty in perls older than 5.10, due to Class::C3, but only at initialization time.
Returns a "$c->uri_class" object (URI::SmartURI by default) in the configured "$c->uri_disposition".$c->req->uri
Returns a "$c->uri_class" object. If the context hasn't been prepared yet, uses the configured value for "uri_class"."$c->req->uri->relative" will be relative to "$c->req->base".
Returns a "$c->uri_class" object for the referer (or configured "uri_class" if there's no context) with reference set to "$c->req->uri" if it comes from "$c->req->base".In other words, if referer is your app, you can do "$c->req->referer->relative" and it will do the right thing.
In myapp.conf:
<Plugin::SmartURI> disposition absolute uri_class URI::SmartURI </Plugin::SmartURI>
- disposition
One of 'absolute', 'hostless', 'relative' or 'host-header'. Defaults to
The special disposition 'host-header' uses the value of your 'Host:' header.
- uri_class
- The class to use for URIs, defaults to URI::SmartURI.
package MyAPP::Controller::RSSFeed; ... sub begin : Private { my ($self, $c) = @_; $c->uri_class('Your::URI::Class::For::Request'); $c->uri_disposition('absolute'); }
- $c->uri_disposition('absolute'|'hostless'|'relative'|'host-header')
- Set URI disposition to use for the duration of the request.
- $c->uri_class($class)
- Set the URI class to use for "$c->uri_for" and "$c->req->uri_with" for the duration of the request.
"$c->prepare_uri" actually creates the URI, which you can override.AUTHOR
Rafael Kitover, "<rkitover at>"BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-catalyst-plugin-smarturi at", or through the web interface at <>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.SUPPORT
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Catalyst::Plugin::SmartURI
You can also look for information at:
RT: CPAN's request tracker
- AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
- CPAN Ratings
- Search CPAN
from #catalyst:vipul came up with the idea
mst came up with the design and implementation details for the current version
kd reviewed my code and offered suggestions
I'd like to extend on Catalyst::Plugin::RequireSSL, and make a plugin that rewrites URIs for actions with an SSL attribute.COPYRIGHT & LICENSE
Copyright (c) 2008 Rafael KitoverThis program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.