Version 0.07_03SYNOPSIS
In your view class:
package MyApp::View::TT;
use Moose;
extends 'Catalyst::View::TT';
with 'Catalyst::View::Component::SubInclude';
__PACKAGE__->config( subinclude_plugin => 'Visit' );
Then, somewhere in your templates:
[% subinclude('/my/widget') %]
"Catalyst::View::Component::SubInclude::Visit" uses "$c->visit()" to render subinclude contents.This method is only supported when using Catalyst version 5.71000 or newer.
WARNING: As of Catalyst version 5.71000, this plugin doesn't work for chained actions with captured arguments. Apparently, "visit" doesn't handle this type of actions yet.
generate_subinclude( $c, $path, @args )
This is (roughly) equivalent to the following call:
$c->visit( $path, @args );
But it will handle all the nasty details such as localizing the stash, parameters and response body. This is necessary to keep behavior consistent with the other plugins.
Nilson Santos Figueiredo Junior, "<nilsonsfj at>"SPONSORSHIP
Development sponsored by Ionzero LLC <>.COPYRIGHT & LICENSE
Copyright (C) 2009 Nilson Santos Figueiredo Junior.Copyright (C) 2009 Ionzero LLC.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.