Command line client "catmandu":
catmandu convert RDF --url
--fix 'aref_query(dct_title,title)' to YAML
catmandu convert RDF --file rdfdump.nt to RDF --type turtle
See documentation of modules for more examples.
Catmandu::RDF contains modules for handling RDF data within the Catmandu framework. RDF data is encoded/decoded in aREF <> as implemented with RDF::aREF. Please keep in mind that RDF is a graph-based data structuring format with specialized technologies such as SPARQL and triple stores. Using Catmandu::RDF to transform RDF to RDF (e.g. conversion from one RDF serialization to another) is possible but probably less performant than decent RDF tools. Catmandu::RDF, however, is more conventient to convert between RDF and other data formats.AVAILABLE MODULES
- Catmandu::Exporter::RDF
- Serialize RDF data (as RDF/XML, RDF/JSON, Turtle, NTriples, RDFa...)
- Catmandu::Importer::RDF
- Parse RDF data (RDF/XML, RDF/JSON, Turtle, NTriples...) or import from a SPARQL endpoint
- Catmandu::Fix::aref_query
- Copy values of RDF data in aREF format to a new field
Copyright Jakob Voss, 2014-This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.