cg-conv(1) This application is part of (


cg-conv [OPTIONS]


cg-conv is the program used to convert a text stream between various formats. By default it tries to auto-detect the input format and convert that to the CG-3 stream format. It will read from stdin and output to stdout.


-h, --help
shows this help
-?, --?
shows this help
-p, --prefix
sets the mapping prefix; defaults to @
-u, --in-auto
auto-detect input format (default)
-c, --in-cg
sets input format to CG
-n, --in-niceline
sets input format to Niceline CG
-a, --in-apertium
sets input format to Apertium
-f, --in-fst
sets input format to HFST/XFST
-p, --in-plain
sets input format to plain text
-C, --out-cg
sets output format to CG (default)
-A, --out-apertium
sets output format to Apertium
-N, --out-niceline
sets output format to Niceline CG
-P, --out-plain
sets output format to plain text
-r, --rtl
sets sub-reading direction to RTL (default)
-l, --ltr
sets sub-reading direction to LTR


Email to: Tino Didriksen <[email protected]>


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