cgminer [,-DlmpPqUTouOchnV/]DESCRIPTION
multi-threaded multi-pool GPU, FPGA and CPU bitcoin miner. Built with avalon avalon2 avalon4 bflsc bitfury cointerra drillbit hashfast icarus klondike mining support.
Options for both config file and command line:
- --anu-freq <arg>
- Set AntminerU1/2 frequency in MHz, range 125-500 (default: 250.0)
- --api-allow <arg>
- Allow API access only to the given list of [G:]IP[/Prefix] addresses[/subnets]
- --api-description <arg>
- Description placed in the API status header, default: cgminer version
- --api-groups <arg>
- API one letter groups G:cmd:cmd[,P:cmd:*...] defining the cmds a groups can use
- --api-listen
- Enable API, default: disabled
- --api-mcast
- Enable API Multicast listener, default: disabled
- --api-mcast-addr <arg>
- API Multicast listen address
- --api-mcast-code <arg>
- Code expected in the API Multicast message, don't use '-'
- --api-mcast-des <arg>
- Description appended to the API Multicast reply, default: ''
- --api-mcast-port <arg>
- API Multicast listen port (default: 4028)
- --api-network
- Allow API (if enabled) to listen on/for any address, default: only
- --api-port <arg>
- Port number of miner API (default: 4028)
- --api-host <arg>
- Specify API listen address, default:
- --au3-freq <arg>
- Set AntminerU3 frequency in MHz, range 100-250 (default: 225.0)
- --au3-volt <arg>
- Set AntminerU3 voltage in mv, range 725-850, 0 to not set (default: 775)
- --avalon-auto
- Adjust avalon overclock frequency dynamically for best hashrate
- --avalon-cutoff <arg>
- Set avalon overheat cut off temperature (default: 60)
- --avalon-fan
- Set fanspeed percentage for avalon, single value or range (default: 20-100)
- --avalon-freq
- Set frequency range for avalon-auto, single value or range
- --avalon-options <arg>
- Set avalon options baud:miners:asic:timeout:freq:tech
- --avalon-temp <arg>
- Set avalon target temperature (default: 50)
- --avalon2-freq
- Set frequency range for Avalon2, single value or range, step: 25
- --avalon2-voltage
- Set Avalon2 core voltage, in millivolts, step: 125
- --avalon2-fan
- Set Avalon2 target fan speed
- --avalon2-cutoff <arg>
- Set Avalon2 overheat cut off temperature (default: 98)
- --avalon2-fixed-speed
- Set Avalon2 fan to fixed speed
- --avalon2-polling-delay <arg>
- Set Avalon2 polling delay value (ms) (default: 20)
- --avalon4-automatic-voltage
- Automatic adjust voltage base on module DH
- --avalon4-voltage
- Set Avalon4 core voltage, in millivolts, step: 125
- --avalon4-freq
- Set frequency for Avalon4, 1 to 3 values, example: 445:385:370
- --avalon4-fan
- Set Avalon4 target fan speed range
- --avalon4-temp <arg>
- Set Avalon4 target temperature (default: 42)
- --avalon4-cutoff <arg>
- Set Avalon4 overheat cut off temperature (default: 65)
- --avalon4-polling-delay <arg>
- Set Avalon4 polling delay value (ms) (default: 20)
- --avalon4-ntime-offset <arg>
- Set Avalon4 MM ntime rolling max offset (default: 4)
- --avalon4-aucspeed <arg>
- Set Avalon4 AUC IIC bus speed (default: 400000)
- --avalon4-aucxdelay <arg>
- Set Avalon4 AUC IIC xfer read delay, 4800 ~= 1ms (default: 19200)
- --balance
- Change multipool strategy from failover to even share balance
- --benchfile <arg>
- Run cgminer in benchmark mode using a work file - produces no shares
- --benchfile-display
- Display each benchfile nonce found
- --benchmark
- Run cgminer in benchmark mode - produces no shares
- --bflsc-overheat <arg>
- Set overheat temperature where BFLSC devices throttle, 0 to disable (default: 85)
- --bitburner-voltage <arg>
- Set BitBurner (Avalon) core voltage, in millivolts
- --bitburner-fury-voltage <arg>
- Set BitBurner Fury core voltage, in millivolts
- --bitburner-fury-options <arg>
- Override avalon-options for BitBurner Fury boards baud:miners:asic:timeout:freq
- --bxf-bits <arg>
- Set max BXF/HXF bits for overclocking (default: 54)
- --bxf-debug <arg>
- BXF: Debug all USB I/O, > is to the board(s), < is from the board(s) (default: 0)
- --bxf-temp-target <arg>
- Set target temperature for BXF/HXF devices (default: 82)
- --bxm-bits <arg>
- Set BXM bits for overclocking (default: 54)
- --btc-address <arg>
- Set bitcoin target address when solo mining to bitcoind (mandatory)
- --btc-sig <arg>
- Set signature to add to coinbase when solo mining (optional)
- --compact
- Use compact display without per device statistics
- --cta-load <arg>
- Set load for CTA devices, 0-255 range (default: 0)
- --ps-load <arg>
- Set power supply load for CTA devices, 0-100 range (default: 0)
- --debug|-D
- Enable debug output
- --disable-rejecting
- Automatically disable pools that continually reject shares
- --drillbit-options <arg>
- Set drillbit options <int|ext>:clock[:clock_divider][:voltage]
- --drillbit-auto <arg>
- Enable drillbit automatic tuning <every>:[<gooderr>:<baderr>:<maxerr>]
- --fix-protocol
- Do not redirect to stratum protocol from GBT
- --hfa-hash-clock <arg>
- Set hashfast clock speed (default: 550)
- --hfa-fail-drop <arg>
- Set how many MHz to drop clockspeed each failure on an overlocked hashfast device (default: 10)
- --hfa-fan
- Set fanspeed percentage for hashfast, single value or range (default: 10-85)
- --hfa-name <arg>
- Set a unique name for a single hashfast device specified with --usb or the first device found
- --hfa-noshed
- Disable hashfast dynamic core disabling feature
- --hfa-options <arg>
- Set hashfast options name:clock (comma separated)
- --hfa-temp-overheat <arg>
- Set the hashfast overheat throttling temperature (default: 95)
- --hfa-temp-target <arg>
- Set the hashfast target temperature (0 to disable) (default: 88)
- --hro-freq
- Set the hashratio clock frequency
- --hotplug <arg>
- Seconds between hotplug checks (0 means never check)
- --klondike-options <arg>
- Set klondike options clock:temptarget
- --load-balance
- Change multipool strategy from failover to quota based balance
- --log|-l <arg>
- Interval in seconds between log output (default: 5)
- --lowmem
- Minimise caching of shares for low memory applications
- --monitor|-m <arg>
- Use custom pipe cmd for output messages
- --nfu-bits <arg>
- Set nanofury bits for overclocking, range 32-63 (default: 50)
- --net-delay
- Impose small delays in networking to not overload slow routers
- --no-submit-stale
- Don't submit shares if they are detected as stale
- --osm-led-mode <arg>
- Set LED mode for OneStringMiner devices (default: 4)
- --pass|-p <arg>
- Password for bitcoin JSON-RPC server
- --per-device-stats
- Force verbose mode and output per-device statistics
- --protocol-dump|-P
- Verbose dump of protocol-level activities
- --quiet|-q
- Disable logging output, display status and errors
- --quota|-U <arg>
- quota;URL combination for server with load-balance strategy quotas
- --real-quiet
- Disable all output
- --rock-freq <arg>
- Set RockMiner frequency in MHz, range 125-500 (default: 270.0)
- --rotate <arg>
- Change multipool strategy from failover to regularly rotate at N minutes
- --round-robin
- Change multipool strategy from failover to round robin on failure
- --sched-start
- Set a time of day in HH:MM to start mining (a once off without a stop time)
- --sched-stop
- Set a time of day in HH:MM to stop mining (will quit without a start time)
- --sharelog
- Append share log to file
- --shares <arg>
- Quit after mining N shares (default: unlimited)
- --socks-proxy <arg>
- Set socks4 proxy (host:port)
- --suggest-diff <arg>
- Suggest miner difficulty for pool to user (default: none)
- --syslog
- Use system log for output messages (default: standard error)
- --temp-cutoff
- Temperature where a device will be automatically disabled, one value or comma separated list (default: 0)
- --text-only|-T
- Disable ncurses formatted screen output
- --url|-o <arg>
- URL for bitcoin JSON-RPC server
- --usb <arg>
- USB device selection
- --user|-u <arg>
- Username for bitcoin JSON-RPC server
- --userpass|-O <arg>
- Username:Password pair for bitcoin JSON-RPC server
- --verbose
- Log verbose output to stderr as well as status output
- --widescreen
- Use extra wide display without toggling
- --worktime
- Display extra work time debug information
Options for command line only:
- --config|-c <arg>
- Load a JSON-format configuration file See example.conf for an example configuration.
- --default-config <arg>
- Specify the filename of the default config file Loaded at start and used when saving without a name.
- --help|-h
- Print this message
- --ndevs|-n
- Display all USB devices and exit
- --version|-V
Display version and exit