Clutter::Behaviour::Path(3) A behaviour for moving actors along a Clutter::Path


my $path = Clutter::Path->new('M 10,10 C 20,20 20,20 10,30 z');
my $behaviour = Clutter::Behaviour::Path->new($alpha, $path);


Clutter::Behaviour::Path interpolates actors along a defined path.

A path is described by a Clutter::Path object. The path can contain straight line parts and bezier curves. If the path contains 'move-to' nodes then the actors will jump to those coordinates. This can be used make disjoint paths.

When creating a path behaviour in a Clutter::Script, you can specify the path property directly as a string. For example:

      "id"     : "spline-path",
      "type"   : "ClutterBehaviourPath",
      "path"   : "M 50 50 L 100 100",
      "alpha"  : {
        "timeline" : "main-timeline",
        "function" : "ramp

Note: If the alpha function is a periodic function, i.e. it returns to 0 after reaching the maximum alpha value, then the actors will walk the path backwards to the starting node.






behaviour = Clutter::Behaviour::Path->new ($alpha=undef, $path=undef)

  • $alpha (Clutter::Alpha or undef)
  • $path (Clutter::Path or undef)

path = $behaviour->get_path

$behaviour->set_path ($path)

  • $path (Clutter::Path or undef)


'path' (Clutter::Path : readable / writable / private)
The ClutterPath object representing the path to animate along


knot-reached (Clutter::Behaviour::Path, Glib::UInt)


Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008 OpenedHand Ltd

Copyright (C) 2009 Intel Corporation

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either:

  • the GNU Lesser General Public Library version 2.1; or
  • the Artistic License, version 2.0.

See Clutter for the full copyright notice.