collectd-tg(1) Traffic generator for collectd.


collectd-tg -n num_vl -H num_hosts -p num_plugins -i interval -d dest -D dport


collectd-tg generates bogus collectd network traffic. While host, plugin and values are generated randomly, the generated traffic tries to mimic ``real'' traffic as closely as possible.


The following options are understood by collectd-tg. The order of the arguments generally doesn't matter, as long as no argument is passed more than once.
-n num_vl
Sets the number of unique value lists (VL) to generate. Defaults to 10000.
-H num_hosts
Sets the number of unique hosts to simulate. Defaults to 1000.
-p num_plugins
Sets the number of unique plugins to simulate. Defaults to 20.
-i interval
Sets the interval in which each value list is dispatched. Defaults to 10.0 seconds.
-d dest
Sets the destination to which to send the generated network traffic. Defaults to the IPv6 multicast address, "ff18::efc0:4a42".
-D dport
Sets the destination port or service to which to send the generated network traffic. Defaults to collectd's default port, 25826.
Print usage summary.


Florian Forster <octo at>