Config::Model::IdElementReference(3) Refer to id element(s) and extract keys


version 2.087


# synopsis shows an example of model of a network to use references
use Config::Model;
my $model = Config::Model->new;
# model of several hosts with several NICs
name => 'Host',
'element' => [
ip_nic => {
type => 'hash',
index_type => 'string',
cargo => {
type => 'leaf',
value_type => 'uniline',
# model to choose a master host and a master NIC (whatever that may be)
# among configured hosts. Once these 2 are configured, the model computes
# the master IP
name => "MyNetwork",
element => [
host => {
type => 'hash',
index_type => 'string',
cargo => {
type => 'node',
config_class_name => 'Host'
# master_host is one of the configured hosts
master_host => {
type => 'leaf',
value_type => 'reference', # provided by tConfig::Model::IdElementReference
refer_to => '! host'
# master_nic is one NIC of the master host
master_nic => {
type => 'leaf',
value_type => 'reference', # provided by tConfig::Model::IdElementReference
computed_refer_to => { # provided by Config::Model::ValueComputer
formula => ' ! host:$h ip_nic ',
variables => { h => '- master_host' }
# provided by Config::Model::ValueComputer
master_ip => {
type => 'leaf',
value_type => 'string',
compute => {
formula => '$ip',
variables => {
h => '- master_host',
nic => '- master_nic',
ip => '! host:$h ip_nic:$nic'
my $inst = $model->instance(root_class_name => 'MyNetwork' );
my $root = $inst->config_root ;
# configure hosts on my network
my $steps = 'host:foo ip_nic:eth0= ip_nic:eth1= -
host:bar ip_nic:eth0= ip_nic:eth1= -
host:baz ip_nic:eth0= ip_nic:eth1= ';
$root->load( steps => $steps );
print "master host can be one of ",
join(' ',$root->fetch_element('master_host')->get_choice),"\n" ;
# prints: master host can be one of bar baz foo
# choose master host
$root->load('master_host=bar') ;
print "master NIC of master host can be one of ",
join(' ',$root->fetch_element('master_nic')->get_choice),"\n" ;
# prints: master NIC of master host can be one of eth0 eth1
# choose master nic
$root->load('master_nic=eth1') ;
# check what is the master IP computed by the model
print "master IP is ",$root->grab_value('master_ip'),"\n";
# prints master IP is


This class is user by Config::Model::Value to set up an enumerated value where the possible choice depends on the key of a Config::Model::HashId or the content of a Config::Model::ListId object.

This class is also used by Config::Model::CheckList to define the checklist items from the keys of another hash (or content of a list).


Construction is handled by the calling object (Config::Model::Node).

Config class parameters

"refer_to" is used to specify a hash element that is used as a reference. "refer_to" points to an array or hash element in the configuration tree using the path syntax (See ``grab'' in Config::Model::Node for details).
When "computed_refer_to" is used, the path is computed using values from several elements in the configuration tree. "computed_refer_to" is a hash with 2 mandatory elements: "formula" and "variables".

The available choice of this (computed or not) reference value is made from the available keys of the refered_to hash element or the values of the refered_to array element.

The example means the the value must correspond to an existing host:

 value_type => 'reference',
 refer_to => '! host'

This example means the the value must correspond to an existing lan within the host whose Id is specified by hostname:

 value_type => 'reference',
 computed_refer_to => { formula => '! host:$a lan', 
                        variables => { a => '- hostname' }

If you need to combine possibilities from several hash, use the ""+"" token to separate 2 paths:

 value_type => 'reference',
 computed_refer_to => { formula => '! host:$a lan + ! host:foobar lan', 
                        variables => { a => '- hostname' }

You can specify "refer_to" or "computed_refer_to" with a "choice" argument so the possible enum value will be the combination of the specified choice and the refered_to values.



Returns a human readable string with explains how is retrieved the reference. This method is mostly used to construct an error messages.


Dominique Dumont, (ddumont at cpan dot org)


Dominique Dumont


This software is Copyright (c) 2005-2016 by Dominique Dumont.

This is free software, licensed under:

  The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999