version 0.41SYNOPSIS
my $ct = $headers->get('Content-Type');
print $ct->get_attribute('charset')->value;
This class represents a single attribute belonging to a header. An attribute consists of a name and value, with optional charset and language information.API
This class supports the following methods:Courriel::HeaderAttribute->new( ... )
This method creates a new object. It accepts the following parameters:-
The name of the attribute. This should be a non-empty string.
The value of the attribute. This can be empty.
The charset for the value. If the value contains any non-ASCII data, this will always be ``UTF-8'', otherwise the default is ``us-ascii''.
The language for the attribute's value. It should be a valid ISO language code like ``en-us'' or ``zh''. This is optional.
The attribute name as passed to the constructor.$attribute->value()
The attribute value as passed to the constructor.$attribute->charset()
The attribute's charset.$attribute->language()
The attribute's language.$attribute->as_string()
This returns the attribute in a form suitable for putting in an email. This may involve escaping, quoting, splitting up, and otherwise messing with the value.If the value needs to be split across continuations, each name/value pair is returned separate by a space, but not folded across multiple lines.
$attribute->stream_to( output => $output )
This method will send the stringified attribute to the specified output. The output can be a subroutine reference, a filehandle, or an object with a "print()" method. The output may be sent as a single string, as a list of strings, or via multiple calls to the output.ROLES
This class does the "Courriel::Role::Streams" role.AUTHOR
Dave Rolsky <[email protected]>COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE
This software is Copyright (c) 2016 by Dave Rolsky.This is free software, licensed under:
The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)