CPANPLUS::Dist(3) base class for plugins


my $dist = CPANPLUS::Dist::YOUR_DIST_TYPE_HERE->new(
module => $modobj,


"CPANPLUS::Dist" is a base class for "CPANPLUS::Dist::MM" and "CPANPLUS::Dist::Build". Developers of other "CPANPLUS::Dist::*" plugins should look at "CPANPLUS::Dist::Base".


Returns the "CPANPLUS::Module" object that parented this object.
Returns the "Object::Accessor" object that keeps the status for this module.


All accessors can be accessed as follows:
Boolean indicating whether the dist was created successfully. Explicitly set to 0 when failed, so a value of "undef" may be interpreted as "not yet attempted".
Boolean indicating whether the dist was installed successfully. Explicitly set to 0 when failed, so a value of "undef" may be interpreted as "not yet attempted".
Boolean indicating whether the dist was uninstalled successfully. Explicitly set to 0 when failed, so a value of "undef" may be interpreted as "not yet attempted".
The location of the final distribution. This may be a file or directory, depending on how your distribution plug in of choice works. This will be set upon a successful create.

$dist = CPANPLUS::Dist::YOUR_DIST_TYPE_HERE->new( module => MODOBJ );

Create a new "CPANPLUS::Dist::YOUR_DIST_TYPE_HERE" object based on the provided "MODOBJ".

*** DEPRECATED *** The optional argument "format" is used to indicate what type of dist you would like to create (like "CPANPLUS::Dist::MM" or "CPANPLUS::Dist::Build" and so on ).

"CPANPLUS::Dist->new" is exclusively meant as a method to be inherited by "CPANPLUS::Dist::MM|Build".

Returns a "CPANPLUS::Dist::YOUR_DIST_TYPE_HERE" object on success and false on failure.

@dists = CPANPLUS::Dist->dist_types;

Returns a list of the CPANPLUS::Dist::* classes available

$bool = CPANPLUS::Dist->rescan_dist_types;

Rescans @INC for available dist types. Useful if you've installed new "CPANPLUS::Dist::*" classes and want to make them available to the current process.

$bool = CPANPLUS::Dist->has_dist_type( $type )

Returns true if distribution type $type is loaded/supported.

$bool = $dist->prereq_satisfied( modobj => $modobj, version => $version_spec )

Returns true if this prereq is satisfied. Returns false if it's not. Also issues an error if it seems ``unsatisfiable,'' i.e. if it can't be found on CPAN or the latest CPAN version doesn't satisfy it.

$configure_requires = $dist->find_configure_requires( [file => /path/to/META.yml] )

Reads the configure_requires for this distribution from the META.yml or META.json file in the root directory and returns a hashref with module names and versions required.

$bool = $dist->_resolve_prereqs( ... )

Makes sure prerequisites are resolved

    format          The dist class to use to make the prereqs
                    (ie. CPANPLUS::Dist::MM)
    prereqs         Hash of the prerequisite modules and their versions
    target          What to do with the prereqs.
                        create  => Just build them
                        install => Install them
                        ignore  => Ignore them
    prereq_build    If true, always build the prereqs even if already
    verbose         Be verbose
    force           Force the prereq to be built, even if already resolved