crb-blast(1) Conditional Reciprocal Best BLAST


CRB-Blast v0.6.4 by Chris Boursnell <[email protected]>

Conditional Reciprocal Best BLAST

USAGE: crb-blast <options>


--query, -q <s>:
query fasta file
--target, -t <s>:
target fasta file
--evalue, -e <f>:
e-value cut off for BLAST. Format 1e-5 (default: 1.0e-05)
--threads, -h <i>:
number of threads to run BLAST with (default: 1)
--output, -o <s>:
output file as tsv
--split, -s:
split the fasta files into chunks and run multiple blast jobs and then combine them.
--version, -v:
Print version and exit
--help, -l:
Show this message