Each entry below includes the name of a parameter, its Fortran type (use the obvious equivalents for C), its default value, and a short description of the parameter.- 'SIG' - Real - computed
- value of the tension factor for the splines
- 'TOL' - Real - 0.01
- Tolerance to use in calculating gradient differences to terminate the iteration sequence when computing global gradients
- 'TTF' - Real - 0.01
- Tolerance to use in determining how accurately each tension factor should be calculated to approximate its optimum value
- 'NLS' - Integer - 10
- Number of nodes to use in the least squares fit.
- 'NSG' - Integer - 10
- Maximum number of iterations to use in the algorithm for computing automatic tension factors
- 'ISG' - Integer - 0
- Flag to revert to calculating automatic tension factors rather than use a constant tension. Using a constant tension is effected by setting a value for the control parameter sig. If isg is 0, then a tension array is used, otherwise a constant tension is used.
- 'IGR' - Integer - 1
- Flags whether global or local gradients are used (1 implies global, anything else implies local).
- 'MVL' - Real - -8.
- Fill value to use in returns for NCL functions. Used only if mvl has been changed from its default.
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