CtrlClnt(1) XMail remote control client


CtrlClnt [-snuptfc][command]


You can use CtrlClnt to send administration commands to XMail. If the command is a query one, then the result will be printed to stdout.


CtrlClnt will return 0 if the command is successful and != 0 if not.


-s server
Set server address.
-n port
Set server port [6017].
-u user
Set username.
-p pass
Set password.
-t timeout
Set timeout [90].
-f filename
Set i/o filename [stdin/stdout].
Disable MD5 authentication, use plain text instead.


This chapter has list of administrative commands.
useradd domain username password usertype
Creates a new XMail user. Domain must be handled by the server, usertype = "U" for normal user or "M" for mailing list.
userdel domain username
Deletes a XMail user.
userpasswd domain username password
Changes user password.
userauth domain username password
Authenticate user.
userstat domain username
Retrieve user statistics.
aliasadd domain alias username
Adding an alias.
aliasdel domain alias
Deleting an alias.
aliaslist [ domain ] [ alias ] [ username ]
Listing aliases. Any name can contain wildcards.
uservars domain username
Listing user vars.
uservarsset domain username varname varvalue
Setting user vars. There can be multiple variable assignments with a single call. If varvalue is the string ".|rm" the variable varname is deleted.
userlist [ domain ] [ username ]
Listing users. Both arguments can contain wildcards.
usergetmproc domain username
Getting mailproc.tab file.
usersetmproc domain username
Setting mailproc.tab file.
mluseradd domain mlusername mailaddress [ perms ]
Adding a mailing list user. Perms is user permissions ( R or RW ). When perms is not specified the default is RW.
mluserdel domain mlusername mailaddress
Deleting a mailing list user.
mluserlist domain mlusername
Listing mailing list users.
domainadd domain
Adding a domain.
domaindel domain
Deleting a domain. This is not always a safe operation.
domainlist [wildmatch] ...
Listing handled domains.
aliasdomainadd realdomain aliasdomain
Adding a domain alias. Alias domain can contain wildcards.
aliasdomaindel aliasdomain
Deleting a domain alias.
aliasdomainlist [wildmatch] ...
Listing alias domains.
custdomget domain
Getting custom domain file.
custdomset domain
Setting custom domain file.
Listing custom domains.
poplnkadd locdomain locusername extrndomain extrnusername extrnpassword authtype
Adding a POP3 external link. authtype is authentication method ( CLR = USER/PASS auth, APOP = APOP auth ). The remote server must support APOP authentication to specify APOP as authtype. Even if using APOP authentication is more secure because clear usernames and password does not travel on the network, if You're not sure about it, specify CLR as authtype.
poplnkdel locdomain locusername extrndomain extrnusername
Deleting a POP3 external link.
poplnklist [ locdomain ] [ locusername ]
Listing POP3 external links.
poplnkenable enable locdomain locusername [ extrndomain extrnusername ]
Enabling a POP3 external link.
cfgfileget path
Getting configuration file. Path is relative to MAIL_ROOT path You CANNOT use this command with indexed files !
cfgfileset path
Setting configuration file. Path is relative to MAIL_ROOT path You CANNOT use this command with indexed files ! You can make XMail to not work properly.
Listing frozen messages. The format of the listing is : "msgfile queuefslev0 queuefslev1 sender destination time size"
frozsubmit queuefslev0 queuefslev1 msgfile
Rescheduling frozen message. You can get these info from the "frozlist" command. After a message has been successfully rescheduled it'll be deleted from the frozen fs path.
frozdel queuefslev0 queuefslev1 msgfile
Deleting frozen message.
frozgetlog lev0 lev1 msgfile
Getting frozen message log file.
frozgetmsg lev0 lev1 msgfile
Getting frozen message.
etrn emailwildcard ...
Starting a queue flush. Will start queueing all messages with a matching destination address.
Do nothing command.
Quit the connection.


CtrlClnt -s mail.foo.org -u davide.libenzi -p ciao useradd home.bogus foouser foopasswd U
will execute the command useradd with parameters "home.bogus foouser foopasswd U".


XMail program was written by Davide Libenzi <[email protected]>. This manual page was written by Radim Kolar <[email protected]>, for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).