dadd(1) Add DURATION to DATE/TIME and print the result.




Add DURATION to DATE/TIME and print the result. If DATE/TIME is omitted but DURATION is given, read a list of DATE/TIMEs from stdin. If DURATION is omitted but DATE/TIME is given, read a list of DURATIONs from stdin.

Durations are specified as nY, nMO, nW, or nD for years, months, weeks, or days respectively, or nH, nM, nS for hours, minutes, and seconds, where N is a (possibly negative) number. The unit symbols can be written lower-case as well (y, mo, w, d, h, m, s) and the unit symbol `d' can be omitted.

Note that duration addition is not commutative!
  2000-03-30 +1mo +1d -> 2000-05-01
  2000-03-30 +1d +1mo -> 2000-04-30

Recognized OPTIONs:

-h, --help
Print help and exit
-V, --version
Print version and exit
-q, --quiet
Suppress message about date/time and duration parser errors and fix-ups. The default is to print a warning or the fixed up value and return error code 2.
-f, --format=STRING
Output format. This can either be a specifier string (similar to strftime()'s FMT) or the name of a calendar.
-i, --input-format=STRING...
Input format, can be used multiple times. Each date/time will be passed to the input format parsers in the order they are given, if a date/time can be read successfully with a given input format specifier string, that value will be used.
-e, --backslash-escapes
Enable interpretation of backslash escapes in the output and input format specifier strings.
-S, --sed-mode
Copy parts from the input before and after a matching date/time. Note that all occurrences of date/times within a line will be processed.
Interpret dates on stdin or the command line as coming from the time zone ZONE.
-z, --zone=ZONE
Convert dates printed on stdout to time zone ZONE, default: UTC.


Format specs in dateutils are similar to posix' strftime().

However, due to a broader range of supported calendars dateutils must employ different rules.

Date specs:

  %a  The abbreviated weekday name
  %A  The full weekday name
  %_a The weekday name shortened to a single character (MTWRFAS)
  %b  The abbreviated month name
  %B  The full month name
  %_b The month name shortened to a single character (FGHJKMNQUVXZ)
  %c  The count of the weekday within the month (range 00 to 05)
  %C  The count of the weekday within the year (range 00 to 53)
  %d  The day of the month, 2 digits (range 00 to 31)
  %D  The day of the year, 3 digits (range 000 to 366)
  %F  Equivalent to %Y-%m-%d (ymd's canonical format)
  %j  Equivalent to %D
  %m  The month in the current calendar (range 00 to 19)
  %Q  The quarter of the year (range Q1 to Q4)
  %q  The number of the quarter (range 01 to 04)
  %s  The number of seconds since the Epoch.
  %u  The weekday as number (range 01 to 07, Sunday being 07)
  %U  The week count,  day of week is Sun (range 00 to 53)
  %V  The ISO week count,  day of week is Mon (range 01 to 53)
  %w  The weekday as number (range 00 to 06, Sunday being 00)
  %W  The week count,  day of week is Mon (range 00 to 53)
  %y  The year without a century (range 00 to 99)
  %Y  The year including the century
  %Z  The zone offset in hours and minutes (HH:MM) with
      a preceding sign (+ for offsets east of UTC, - for offsets
      west of UTC)

  %Od The day as roman numerals
  %Om The month as roman numerals
  %Oy The two digit year as roman numerals
  %OY The year including the century as roman numerals

  %rs In time systems whose Epoch is different from the unix Epoch, this
      selects the number of seconds since then.
  %rY In calendars with years that don't coincide with the Gregorian
      years, this selects the calendar's year.

  %dth  The day of the month as an ordinal number, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.
  %mth  The month of the year as an ordinal number, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.

  %db The business day of the month (since last month's ultimo)
  %dB Number of business days until this month's ultimo

Time specs:

  %H  The hour of the day using a 24h clock, 2 digits (range 00 to 23)
  %I  The hour of the day using a 12h clock, 2 digits (range 01 to 12)
  %M  The minute (range 00 to 59)
  %N  The nanoseconds (range 000000000 to 999999999)
  %p  The string AM or PM, noon is PM and midnight is AM.
  %P  Like %p but in lowercase
  %S  The  (range 00 to 60, 60 is for leap seconds)
  %T  Equivalent to %H:%M:%S

General specs:

  %n  A newline character
  %t  A tab character
  %%  A literal % character


  %O  Modifier to turn decimal numbers into Roman numerals
  %r  Modifier to turn units into real units
  th  Suffix, read and print ordinal numbers
  b   Suffix, treat days as business days

By design dates before 1601-01-01 are not supported.

For conformity here is a list of calendar designators and their corresponding format string:

  ymd     %Y-%m-%d
  ymcw    %Y-%m-%c-%w
  ywd     %rY-W%V-%u
  bizda   %Y-%m-%db
  lilian     n/a
  ldn        n/a
  julian     n/a
  jdn        n/a

These designators can be used as output format string, moreover, @code{lilian}/@code{ldn} and @code{julian}/@code{jdn} can also be used as input format string.


Some tools ("dadd", "dseq") need durations as their input. Durations are generally incompatible with input formats as specified by "-i|--input-format" and (at the moment) the input syntax is fixed.

The general format is "+-Nunit" where "+" or "-" is the sign, "N" a number, and "unit" the unit as discussed below.


  s  seconds
  m  minutes
  h  hours
  rs real-life seconds, as in including leap  transitions

  d  days
  b  business days
  mo months
  y  years


  $ dadd 2012-03-01 1d

  $ dadd 2012-03-01 1m

  $ dadd 2012-03-31 1m

  $ dadd 2w2d <<EOF

  $ dadd 10:01:00 1h6m

  $ dadd 10:01:00 -1h6m

  $ dadd 10:01:00 3605s


Written by Sebastian Freundt <[email protected]>


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