Manage contributions to contributors.debian.org
usage: dc-tool [-h] [--debug] [--verbose] [--baseurl url] [--source SOURCE] [--auth-token AUTH_TOKEN] [--json] [--post] [--mine conffile] [--mine-documentation] [sources) [source(s ...]]
positional arguments:
- source(s)
JSON file(s) to post if --mine is not provided
optional arguments:
- -h, --help
show this help message and exit
- --debug
enable debugging output
- --verbose
enable verbose output
- --baseurl url
URL to post data to (default: https://contributors.debian.org/)
- --source SOURCE
Data source name
- --auth-token AUTH_TOKEN
Authentication token. Use @file to use the file content as auth token.
- --json
write the JSON submission to standard output
- --post
POST contribution data to the site
- --mine conffile
Perform data mining using the given config file
- --mine-documentation
Print data mining documentation in reStructuredText format