Debbugs::MIME(3) Mime handling routines for debbugs


use Debbugs::MIME qw(parse decode_rfc1522);



None known.


     create_mime_message([To=>'[email protected]'],$body,[$attach1, $attach2],$include_date);

Creates a MIME encoded message with headers given by the first argument, and a message given by the second.

Optional attachments can be specified in the third arrayref argument.

Whether to include the date in the header is the final argument; it defaults to true, setting the Date header if one is not already present.

Headers are passed directly to MIME::Entity::build, the message is the first attachment.

Each of the elements of the attachment arrayref is attached as an rfc822 message if it is a scalar or an arrayref; otherwise if it is a hashref, the contents are passed as an argument to MIME::Entity::attach


    decode_rfc1522('=?iso-8859-1?Q?D=F6n_Armstr=F3ng?= <[email protected]>')

Turn RFC-1522 names into the UTF-8 equivalent.


     encode_rfc1522('DA~Xn ArmstrA~Xng <[email protected]>')

Encodes headers according to the RFC1522 standard by calling MIME::Words::encode_mimeword on distinct words as appropriate.