delve(1) Inspect the contents of a Xapian database




delve - Inspect the contents of a Xapian database


show all terms in the database
-r <recno>
for term list(s)
-t <term>
for posting list(s)
-t <term> -r <recno>
for position list(s)
-s, --stemmer=LANG
set the stemming language, the default is 'none'
output one list entry per line
output values for each document referred to
output value valueno for each document referred to (or each document in the database if no -r options)
output document data for each document referred to
for db, count documents with length 0
extra info (wdf and len for postlist; wdf and termfreq for termlist; number of terms for db; termfreq when showing all terms)
display this help and exit
output version information and exit