dhtnode(1) a simple OpenDHT command line node runner.


dhtnode [-h]

dhtnode [-v [logfile]] [-i] [-d] [-n network_id] [-p local_port] [-b [bootstrap_host[:port]]]


This program runs a simple OpenDHT node in an interactive way. If you rather want to run the node in daemon mode, option '-d' is provided. When running in the interractive shell, you benefit from the readline capabilites for writing your commands such as command history. Here are the available commands in the interractive shell:

    h, help    Print this help message.
    q, quit    Quit the program.
    log        Start/stop printing DHT logs.

    Node information:
    ll         Print basic information and stats about the current node.
    ls         Print basic information about current searches.
    ld         Print basic information about currenty stored values on this node.
    lr         Print the full current routing table of this node

    Operations on the DHT:
    b ip:port             Ping potential node at given IP address/port.
    g [key]               Get values at [key].
    l [key]               Listen for value changes at [key].
    p [key] [str]         Put string value at [key].
    s [key] [str]         Put string value at [key], signed with our generated
                          private key.
    e [key] [dest] [str]  Put string value at [key], encrypted for [dest] with
                          its public key (if found).


Prints some help.

-v logfile
Enable the verbose mode. Optionaly provide a log file.

Generate cryptographic identity for the node.

Run the program in daemon mode (will fork in the background).

-n network_id
Specify the network id. This let you connect to distinct networks and prevents the merge of two diffrent networks (available since OpenDHT v0.6.1).

-p local_port
Use port local_port for the program to bind to.

-b bootstrap_host[:port]
The program needs to be given a node to connect to the network. You use this option to provide the ip address of that node.


Program written by
Adrien Béraud <[email protected]>
Man page written by
Simon Désaulniers <[email protected]>