dispatch_after(3) schedule blocks for deferred execution


Fd #include <dispatch/dispatch.h> Ft void Fo dispatch_after Fa dispatch_time_t when dispatch_queue_t queue void (^block)(void) Fc Ft void Fo dispatch_after_f Fa dispatch_time_t when dispatch_queue_t queue void *context void (*function)(void *) Fc


The Fn dispatch_after function submits the Fa block to the given Fa queue at the time specified by the Fa when parameter. The Fa when parameter is a value created by Fn dispatch_time or Fn dispatch_walltime .

For a more detailed description about submitting blocks to queues, see dispatch_async3.


Specifying Vt DISPATCH_TIME_NOW as the Fa when parameter is supported, but is not as efficient as calling Fn dispatch_async . The result of passing Vt DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER as the Fa when parameter is undefined.


The Fn dispatch_after function is a wrapper around Fn dispatch_after_f .