dpm-modifypool --poolname pool_name [ --def_filesize defsize ] [ --def_lifetime def_lifetime ] [ --def_pintime defpintime ] [ --gc_start_thresh perc ] [ --gc_stop_thresh perc ] [ --gid pool_gids ] [ --group pool_groups ] [ --help ] [ --max_lifetime max_lifetime ] [ --max_pintime maxpintime ] [ --ret_policy retention_policy ] [ --s_type space_type ]DESCRIPTION
dpm-modifypool modifies a disk pool definition.This command requires ADMIN privilege.
- pool_name
- specifies the disk pool name. It must be at most CA_MAXPOOLNAMELEN characters long.
- defsize
- specifies the default amount of space reserved for a file. This is by default in bytes, but the number may also be post-fixed with 'k', 'M' or 'G' for kilobyte, Megabyte and Gigabyte respectively.
- def_lifetime
- specifies the default time a space or volatile file is kept in the system (in seconds).
- defpintime
- specifies the default time a file is kept on a given disk (in seconds).
- gc_start_thresh
- specifies the minimum free space in the pool. If the percentage of free space goes below this value, the garbage collector is started.
- gc_stop_thresh
- specifies the percentage of free space in the pool above which the garbage collector is stopped.
- max_lifetime
- specifies the maximum time a space or volatile file is kept in the system (in seconds).
- maxpintime
- specifies the maximum time a file is kept on a given disk (in seconds).
- pool_gids
- The existing list can be reset using a comma separated list of group gids, extended by prefixing the gid by + or reduced by prefixing the gid by -. See examples.
- pool_groups
- The existing list can be reset using a comma separated list of group names, extended by prefixing the name by + or reduced by prefixing the name by -. The keyword "ALL" means non-dedicated pool. See examples.
- retention_policy
- specifies the retention policy supported by the disk pool. It can be R (for Replica), O (for Output) or C (for Custodial).
- space_type
- indicates the type of space supported in the disk pool. It can be V (for Volatile), D (for Durable), P (for Permanent) or - (to accept any type).
dpm-modifypool --poolname Volatile --def_filesize 100M \ --groups -dteam,ops,+atlas