dpm-rfiod(8) Remote file access daemon


dpm-rfiod [ -d ] [ -f filename ] [ -l ] [ -p port ] [ -s ] [ -t ] [ -4 | -6 ] [ -L log_level ]


Turn on printing of debug messages. Default output device is stderr.
-f filename
Output filename for error, logging and debugging messages. Normal error messages are sent to syslog unless otherwise specified. Two filenames are special : "stderr", which will send messages to standard error and "syslog" which will send to syslog.
Turn on printing of log messages. Default output device is in /var/log/rfio/log.
-p port
Specify a network port for the service to listen on. If this option is not given the value RFIO_PORT defined in rfio_constants.h is used.
Turn on Standalone mode. This option should always be set when dpm-rfiod is not started by inetd.
Turn on single threaded mode. Useful for debugging as no processes are created.
only try to listen on IPv4 addresses
only try to listen on IPv6 addresses
-L log_level
Specify the logging level. Default 6 (LOG_INFO).


/usr/sbin/dpm-rfiod -sl


LCG Grid Deployment Team