Eliom_comet_base(3) None means 'newest channel'


Module Eliom_comet_base


Module Eliom_comet_base
 :  sig end

None means 'newest channel'

type 'a chan_id

val string_of_chan_id : 'a chan_id -> string

val chan_id_of_string : string -> 'a chan_id

type position =
 | Newest of int
 | After of int
 | Last of int option

module Json_position : sig end

type comet_stateless_request = (string * position) array

None means 'newest channel'

module Json_comet_stateless_request : sig end

type command =
 | Register of string
 | Close of string

module Json_command : sig end

type comet_stateful_request =
 | Request_data of int
 | Commands of command array

module Json_comet_stateful_request : sig end

type comet_request =
 | Stateless of comet_stateless_request
 | Stateful of comet_stateful_request

module Json_comet_request : sig end

val comet_request_param : (comet_request, [ `WithoutSuffix ], [ `One of comet_request Eliom_parameter.caml ] Eliom_parameter.param_name) Eliom_parameter.params_type

type 'a channel_data =
 | Data of 'a
 | Full
 | Closed

module Json_channel_data : functor (M_a : Deriving_Json.Json) -> sig end

type answer =
 | Stateless_messages of (string * (string * int) channel_data) array
 | Stateful_messages of (string * string channel_data) array
 | Timeout
 | Process_closed
 | Comet_error of string

module Json_answer : sig end

type comet_service = (unit, comet_request, Eliom_service.service_kind, [ `WithoutSuffix ], unit, [ `One of comet_request Eliom_parameter.caml ] Eliom_parameter.param_name, Eliom_service.registrable, Eliom_registration.http_service) Eliom_service.service

type internal_comet_service = (unit, comet_request, Eliom_service.internal_service_kind, [ `WithoutSuffix ], unit, [ `One of comet_request Eliom_parameter.caml ] Eliom_parameter.param_name, [ `Registrable ], Eliom_registration.http_service) Eliom_service.service

type stateless_kind =
 | After_kind of int
 | Newest_kind of int
 | Last_kind of int option

type 'a wrapped_channel =
 | Stateful_channel of (comet_service * 'a chan_id)
 | Stateless_channel of (comet_service * 'a chan_id * stateless_kind)

type 'a bus_send_service = (unit, 'a list, [ `Nonattached of [ `Post ] Eliom_service.na_s ], [ `WithoutSuffix ], unit, [ `One of 'a list Eliom_parameter.caml ] Eliom_parameter.param_name, [ `Registrable ], Eliom_registration.http_service) Eliom_service.service

type 'a wrapped_bus = 'a wrapped_channel * 'a bus_send_service