Module Eliom_state.Session_adminDocumentation
sig end
type timeout
| TGlobal (* see global setting *)
| TNone (* explicitly set no timeout *)
| TSome
Type used to describe session timeouts
type service_session
timeout duration in seconds
type data_session
type persistent_session
val close_service_session : ?close_group:bool -> session:service_session -> unit
val close_volatile_data_session : ?close_group:bool -> session:data_session -> unit
val close_persistent_data_session : ?close_group:bool -> session:persistent_session -> unit Lwt.t
val get_volatile_session_data : session:data_session -> table:'a Eliom_state.volatile_table -> 'a
Raises Not_found if no data in the table for the session.
val get_persistent_session_data : session:persistent_session -> table:'a Eliom_state.persistent_table -> 'a Lwt.t
Fails with lwt exception Not_found if no data in the table for the session.
val remove_volatile_session_data : session:data_session -> table:'a Eliom_state.volatile_table -> unit
val remove_persistent_session_data : session:persistent_session -> table:'a Eliom_state.persistent_table -> unit Lwt.t
val get_service_scope_name : session:service_session -> Eliom_common.scope_name
val get_volatile_data_scope_name : session:data_session -> Eliom_common.scope_name
val get_persistent_data_scope_name : session:persistent_session -> Eliom_common.scope_name
val get_service_session_cookie_scope : session:service_session -> Eliom_common.cookie_scope
val get_volatile_data_session_cookie_scope : session:data_session -> Eliom_common.cookie_scope
val get_persistent_data_session_cookie_scope : session:persistent_session -> Eliom_common.cookie_scope
val set_service_session_timeout : session:service_session -> float option -> unit
val set_volatile_data_session_timeout : session:data_session -> float option -> unit
val set_persistent_data_session_timeout : session:persistent_session -> float option -> unit Lwt.t
val get_service_session_timeout : session:service_session -> timeout
val get_volatile_data_session_timeout : session:data_session -> timeout
val get_persistent_data_session_timeout : session:persistent_session -> timeout
val unset_service_session_timeout : session:service_session -> unit
val unset_volatile_data_session_timeout : session:data_session -> unit
val unset_persistent_data_session_timeout : session:persistent_session -> unit Lwt.t
val iter_service_sessions : (service_session -> unit Lwt.t) -> unit Lwt.t
Iterator on service sessions. Lwt_unix.yield is called automatically after each iteration.
val iter_volatile_data_sessions : (data_session -> unit Lwt.t) -> unit Lwt.t
Iterator on data sessions. Lwt_unix.yield is called automatically after each iteration.
val iter_persistent_data_sessions : (persistent_session -> unit Lwt.t) -> unit Lwt.t
Iterator on persistent sessions. Lwt_unix.yield is called automatically after each iteration.
val fold_service_sessions : (service_session -> 'a -> 'a Lwt.t) -> 'a -> 'a Lwt.t
Iterator on service sessions. Lwt_unix.yield is called automatically after each iteration.
val fold_volatile_data_sessions : (data_session -> 'a -> 'a Lwt.t) -> 'a -> 'a Lwt.t
Iterator on data sessions. Lwt_unix.yield is called automatically after each iteration.
val fold_persistent_data_sessions : (persistent_session -> 'a -> 'a Lwt.t) -> 'a -> 'a Lwt.t
Iterator on persistent sessions. Lwt_unix.yield is called automatically after each iteration.