epylog(3) Perl5 module for writing perl modules for epylog.


use epylog;
# create a new epylog object
my $du = new epylog;
# initialize the object
# get a username from a userid
# get a hostname from an IP address
# find the system name in a standard syslog line
# get the value of an environment variable
# first parameter is the name of the variable, second one is
# the default value to return if the variable is undefined.
$du->option('TMPDIR', '/tmp');
# return the next available syslog line from the logs (LOGCAT)
# check if the logfile is EOF'd. Returns 0 if not yet.
# add a string or an array of strings to the report (LOGREPORT)
$du->pushrep('Report line');
# add a syslog line entry to the list of analyzed and filtered
# lines (LOGFILTER)
# intelligently output some debug information.
# first parameter is level, second parameter is the string to output.
# level 0 -- critical errors, always output
# level 1 -- standard epylog execution, without "--quiet"
# level 2> -- additional levels of verbosity.
$du->mlog(1, 'Processing data');
# return how many lines were added to the filter file (LOGFILTER)
# return how many lines were added to the report file (LOGREPORT)
# make a pretty report header.
$du->mkrephdr('NOTICED REBOOTS');
# call this at the end of your module! It closes the filehandles and
# writes out the report.


 Konstantin Ryabitsev <[email protected]>
 Michael Stenner <[email protected]>
 Duke University Physics

