erb1.9.1 [switches] [inputfile]
erb interprets a Ruby code embedded text file. For example, erb enables you to embed a Ruby code to a HTML file. A Ruby block starts with `<%' and ends with `%>'. erb replaces the block with its output. If `<%' is followed by `=', eRuby replaces the block with a value of the block. If `<%' is followed by `#', the block is ignored as a comment.
- -x print ruby script
- -n print ruby script with line number
- -v enables verbose mode
- -d set debugging flags (set $DEBUG to true)
- -r library load a library
- -K kcode specifies KANJI code-set (euc or sjis) or UTF-8 (utf8)
- -S safe_level set $SAFE (0..4)
- -T trim_mode specify trim_mode (0..2)
- -P disregard the lin which starts in "%"