Search order (on a per variable basis):1) ~/.openshift/express.conf (Created on first usage of rhc client tools and can be customized per system user)
2) /etc/openshift/express.conf (RPM install path)
3) <ruby_gem_dir>/gems/rhc-<version>/conf/express.conf (RubyGem install path)
express.conf contains the following configuration params:libra_server The server the rhc client tools communicate with i.e.
ssh_key_file The name of the rsa key file used with your OpenShift applications. File should exist under ~/.ssh along with corresponding <ssh_key_file>.pub (Can also be specified as a full path). The defaults if not specified are libra_id_rsa followed by id_rsa. Ex: libra_id_rsa Note: If you set this value after creating your domain you'll need to run rhc-create-domain -l <rhlogin> -n <namespace> --alter to update the corresponding key in OpenShift. You'll also want to modify the value of IdentityFile in your ~/.ssh/config file for the * host.
debug Boolean indicating whether debug should always be enabled for the rhc client tools.
timeout Number of seconds before remote operations will timeout.
default_rhlogin The default rhc client tools rhlogin. Used as the default when the -l argument is not passed to each of the client tools.
<ruby_gem_dir>/gems/rhc-<version>/conf/express.conf- The RubyGem system wide configuration file.
- The system wide configuration file.
- Per user configuration file.
- SSH Config file is altered automatically to create support for newly created OpenShift hosts. Should be harmless. See ssh_config(5) for more information.
- SSH key created by rhc-create-domain to interact with OpenShift services see ssh-keygen(1) for more information