FBB::OHexStreambuf(3) Writes characters written to an ostream as hex


#include <bobcat/ohexstreambuf>
Linking option: -lbobcat


OHexStreambuf is a specialization of FBB::OFilterStreambuf inserting all the characters it receives to a destination file as 2-character wide hexadecimal values. Optionally a maximum linelength can be specified.

Note that all information received by an OHexStreambuf object is inserted as (a series of) hexadecimal values, not only plain characters. E.g., when inserting the value 123 the characters '1', '2' and '3' are successively inserted and so this will result in the string 313233 being inserted into the destination stream.


All constructors, members, operators and manipulators, mentioned in this man-page, are defined in the namespace FBB.




  • OFoldStreambuf(std::ostream &stream, size_t width = 0):
    The hexadecimal characters produced by the OFoldStreambuf object will be inserted into stream. Optionally the maximum line width (in number of characters) may be specified using width. The (default) value 0 indicates that no line breaks are requested.

The destructor writes any buffered information to the destination stream and will then flushes the destination stream.


All members of FBB::OFilterStreambuf, in particular its out() and open() members are available, as FBB::OHexStreambuf inherits from this class.
size_t size() const:
This member returns the next column offset where the next hexadecimal character will appear. If a maximum line length is requested and size() does not return 0 then the last line inserted was not terminated by a '\n' character. See also the example below.
This member's return value is undefined if no maximum line length was requested.


The member listed in this section implements the tasks of the comparably named virtual function in the class's private interface. This separates the redefinable interface from the user-interface. The class OHexStreambuf can, in accordance with Liskov's Substitution Principle, be used as a std:streambuf; but it also offers a facility for classes deriving from OHexStreambuf. This facility is listed here.

  • int pSync():
    The contents of the OHexStreambuf's internal buffer is flushed.


std::string text2bin(std::string const &in):
This static member can be used to convert a series of hexadecimal characters generated by a OHexStreambuf object back to their binary form. E.g, when called as OHexStreambuf::text2bin("736d616c6c206976") then the returned std::string will contain 8 characters, having respectively the binary values 0x73, 0x6d, 0x61, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0x20, 0x69, and 0x76.
This function does not verify whether its argument is properly formed. A properly formed argument consists of an even number of hexadecimal number characters ('0' until '9', 'a' until 'f' (or uppercase)). For improperly formed arguments the return value is undefined.


    #include <iostream>
    #include <bobcat/ohexstreambuf>
    using namespace std;
    using namespace FBB;
    int main()
        OHexStreambuf ohex(cout, 40);
        ostream out(&ohex);
        out << cin.rdbuf();
        if (ohex.size())
            cout << '\n';


bobcat/ohexstreambuf - defines the class interface


None Reported.


  • bobcat_4.02.00-x.dsc: detached signature;
  • bobcat_4.02.00-x.tar.gz: source archive;
  • bobcat_4.02.00-x_i386.changes: change log;
  • libbobcat1_4.02.00-x_*.deb: debian package holding the libraries;
  • libbobcat1-dev_4.02.00-x_*.deb: debian package holding the libraries, headers and manual pages;
  • http://sourceforge.net/projects/bobcat: public archive location;


Bobcat is an acronym of `Brokken's Own Base Classes And Templates'.


This is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).


Frank B. Brokken ([email protected]).