filter_seer(1) post filtering of significant kmers


Post filtering of significant kmers.

This program belongs to seer(1) (Sequence Element (kmer) Enrichment Analysis).


Required options:

-k [ --kmers ] arg
file of output from seer

Filtering options:

--chisq arg
minimum unadjusted p-value to output
--pval arg
minimum adjusted p-value to output
--maf arg
minimum maf/max 1-maf to output
--beta arg
minimum |beta| to output
remove smaller kmers completely represented elsewhere
output positive effect sizes only

Other options:

-s [ --sort ] arg
field to sort on: chisq, pval, maf or beta
-h [ --help ]
full help message


This manpage was written by Andreas Tille for the Debian distribution and can be used for any other usage of the program.