flashproxy-reg-email(1) Register with a facilitator using the email method


flashproxy-reg-email [OPTIONS] [REMOTE][:PORT]


Register with a flash proxy facilitator through email. Makes a STARTTLS connection to an SMTP server and sends mail with a client IP address to a designated address. By default the remote address registered is ":9000" (the external IP address is guessed based on the SMTP server's response).

Using an SMTP server or email address other than the defaults will not work unless you have made special arrangements to connect them to a facilitator.

The email address is not polled continually. After running the program, it may take up to a minute for the registration to be recognized.

This program requires the M2Crypto library for Python.



Name lookups use only IPv4.


Name lookups use only IPv6.

-d, --debug

Enable debugging output (Python smtplib messages).


Don't check the server's public key against a list of known pins. You can use this if the server's public key has changed and this program hasn't been updated yet.

-e, --email=ADDRESS

Send mail to ADDRESS (default is "[email protected]").


Encrypt registrations to the given PEM-formatted public key (default built-in).

-h, --help

Display help message and exit.

-s, --smtp=HOST[:PORT]

Use the given SMTP server (default is "gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com:25").


Registrations include the fact that you intend to use the given TRANSPORT (default "websocket").


Don't scrub IP addresses from logs.


Please report using https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor.