flow-receive(1) Receive flow data with the NetFlow protocol.


flow-receive [-h] [-b big|little] [-C comment] [-d debug_level] [-o output_file] [-S stat_interval] [-V pdu_version] [-z z_level] localip/remoteip/port


The flow-receive utility is used to receive flows in NetFlow format. When the remoteip is configured only flows from that exporter will be processed, this is the most secure and recommended configuration. When the localip is configured flow-receive will only process flows sent to the localip IP address. If remoteip is 0 (not configured) flows from any source IP address are accepted. Multiple non aggregated PDU versions may be accepted at once to support Cisco's Catalyst 6500 NetFlow implementation which exports from both the supervisor and MSFC with the same IP address and same port but different export versions. In this case the exports will be stored in the format specified by the -V flag or whichever export type is received first.


-b big|little
Byte order of output.
-C Comment
Add a comment.
-d debug_level
Enable debugging.
Display help.
-o file
Write to file instead of the standard out.
-S stat_interval
When configured flow-receive will emit a timestamped message on stderr every stat_interval minutes indicating counters such as the number of flows received, packets processed, and lost flows.
-V pdu_version
Use pdu_version format output.

1    NetFlow version 1 (No sequence numbers, AS, or mask) 
5    NetFlow version 5 
6    NetFlow version 6 (5+ Encapsulation size) 
7    NetFlow version 7 (Catalyst switches) 
8.1  NetFlow AS Aggregation 
8.2  NetFlow Proto Port Aggregation 
8.3  NetFlow Source Prefix Aggregation 
8.4  NetFlow Destination Prefix Aggregation 
8.5  NetFlow Prefix Aggregation 
8.6  NetFlow Destination (Catalyst switches) 
8.7  NetFlow Source Destination (Catalyst switches) 
8.8  NetFlow Full Flow (Catalyst switches) 
8.9  NetFlow ToS AS Aggregation 
8.10 NetFlow ToS Proto Port Aggregation 
8.11 NetFlow ToS Source Prefix Aggregation 
8.12 NetFlow ToS Destination Prefix Aggregation 
8.13 NetFlow ToS Prefix Aggregation 
8.14 NetFlow ToS Prefix Port Aggregation 
1005 Flow-Tools tagged version 5 
-z z_level
Configure compression level to z_level. 0 is disabled (no compression), 9 is highest compression.


Listen on port 9800 on any local interface for exports from IP address, store the exports in flows

flow-receive 0/ > flows

Listen on port 9800 on any local interface from any IP address, display the received flows with flow-print.

flow-receive 0/0/9800 | flow-print


It is not currently possible to convert between the aggregated formats (8.x) and the non aggregated formats (1,5,6,7).


Mark Fullmer maf@splintered.net