fprotpars(1) Protein parsimony algorithm


fprotpars -sequence seqsetall -intreefile tree [-weights properties] -njumble integer -seed integer [-outgrno integer] [-thresh toggle] -threshold float [-whichcode list] -outfile outfile [-trout toggle] -outtreefile outfile [-printdata boolean] [-progress boolean] [-treeprint boolean] [-stepbox boolean] [-ancseq boolean] -dotdiff boolean
fprotpars -help



is a command line program from EMBOSS ("the European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite"). It is part of the "Phylogeny:Molecular sequence" command group(s).


Input section

-sequence seqsetall

File containing one or more sequence alignments

-intreefile tree

-weights properties

Additional section

-njumble integer

-seed integer

Default value: 1

-outgrno integer

-thresh toggle

Default value: N

-threshold float

Default value: 1

-whichcode list

Default value: Universal

Output section

-outfile outfile

-trout toggle

Default value: Y

-outtreefile outfile

-printdata boolean

Default value: N

-progress boolean

Default value: Y

-treeprint boolean

Default value: Y

-stepbox boolean

Default value: N

-ancseq boolean

Default value: N

-dotdiff boolean

Default value: Y


Bugs can be reported to the Debian Bug Tracking system (http://bugs.debian.org/emboss), or directly to the EMBOSS developers (http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=93650&atid=605031).


Debian Med Packaging Team <[email protected]>

Wrote the script used to autogenerate this manual page.


This manual page was autogenerated from an Ajax Control Definition of the EMBOSS package. It can be redistributed under the same terms as EMBOSS itself.