ftpmirror [package]DESCRIPTION
ftpmirror is an utility to copy directory hierarchy (usually called 'mirror') using FTP protocol.A similar perl script exists, whose name is 'mirror', but ftpmirror requires less memory than mirror.
Please, note that the original documentation about ftpmirror was written originally in japanese. (README.jis and RELEASE.jis)If you can contribute by translating any aspect of these files, please contact Dario Minnucci <[email protected]>. I'll be glad to include your contributions here to improve this manual.
Formerly ftpmirror operatio mode was MASTER->SLAVE but seems that since version 1.96 the SLAVE->MASTER (reverse mirror) is supported.
This behaviour can be controlled for each package section in the main configuration file (/etc/ftpmirror/
MASTER->SLAVE --> get-mode = yes (default)
SLAVE->MASTER --> put-mode = yes
Other configuration flags extracted from original documentation are: (Sorry but most of them are still undocummented.)
- todo:
(string, default: full-mirror)
- verbose:
(boolean, default: no)
- log-mask:
(comma separated list)
- test-mode:
(boolean, default: no)
- ftp-server:
- ftp-gateway:
- ftp-port:
(service, default: ftp)
- ftp-bindaddr:
(ip address)
- ftp-user:
(string, default: anonymous)
- ftp-pass:
(string, default: `whoami`@`hostname`)
- ftp-group:
- ftp-gpass:
- ftp-passive:
(boolean, default: no)
To enable passive file transfer set ftp-passive to yes.
- ftp-idle:
(numeric, default: 0)
- ftp-max-idle:
(boolean, default: 0)
- ftp-list-method:
(LIST or STAT or STAT-A or STAT-AT, default: STAT)
- ftp-timeout:
(numeric, default: 300)
- ftp-login-retry:
- ftp-login-delay:
(numeric, default: 60)
- ftp-stats:
(boolean, default: no)
- remote-timezone:
(timezone string, default: undef)
- http-proxy:
- server:
- package:
- put-mode:
(boolean, default: no)
- unlink:
(boolean or 'rename', default: yes)
- unlink-limit:
(size value, default: 0)
- ftp-force-mtime:
(boolean, default: no)
- ignore-mtime:
(boolean, default: no)
- temp-directory:
(pathname, default: $TMPDIR || /tmp)
- lock-directory:
(pathname, default: temp-directory)
- create-directory:
(boolean, default: yes)
- remote-directory:
- local-directory:
- master-db-directory:
- remote-db-directory:
- local-db-directory:
- lslR-file:
- lslR-copy:
- transfer-file-regexp:
- transfer-directory-regexp:
- override-file-regexp:
- override-directory-regexp:
- load-local-dirinfo:
(boolean, default: no)
- store-local-dirinfo:
(boolean, default: no)
- load-remote-dirinfo:
(boolean, default: no)
- override-file-uid:
(uid, default: 0)
- override-file-gid:
(uid, default: 0)
- override-file-mode:
(octal value, default: 0644)
- override-directory-mode:
(octal value, default: 0755)
- default-file-uid:
(uid, default: 0)
- default-file-gid:
(gid, default: 0)
- default-file-mode:
(octal value, default: 0644)
- default-directory-mode:
(octal value, default: 0755)
ftpmirror provides a 'ready-to-use' sample package for testing porpouses. In order to run the provided test package you need to issue the following commands (both commands must be run by the same user):
mkdir -p /tmp/upstream
/usr/bin/ftpmirror upstream
This package should copy directory hierarchy from the original author's FTP location ( to your local hard drive (/tmp/upstream).
The inclusion of this configuration is intended to be used ocassionally. Please don't abuse this site.
ftpmirror was originally written by Ikuo Nakagawa <[email protected]>This manual page was written by Dario Minnucci <[email protected]>, for the Debian project (but may be used by others).