gdnc(1) GNUstep Distributed Notification Center




The gdnc daemon is used by GNUstep programs to send notifications and messages to one another. By default it uses private inter-process communications accessible only to the curtrent user on the machine on which it is running (where the operating system supports them).

Every user needs to have his own instance of gdnc running. While gdnc will be started automatically as soon as it is needed, it is recommended to start gdnc in a personal login script like ~/.bashrc or ~/.cshrc. Alternatively (if you have no command-line tools which use distributed notifications) you can launch gdnc when your windowing system or the window manager is started. For example, on systems with X11 you can launch gdnc from your .xinitrc script or alternatively - if you are running Window Maker - put it in Window Maker's autostart script. See the GNUstep Build Guide for a sample startup script.


To attach gdnc to a remote session use the
-NSHost hostname

To run a copy of the server to handle public notifications (available to all users on the local machine)

-GSPublic YES

To run a copy of the server to handle network-public notifications (available to all users able to connect to the local machine on the network)

-GSNetwork YES


gdomap -L GDNCServer will lookup instances of gdnc which were launched with the NSHost, GSPublic, or GSNetwork command line arguments.

Alternatively, gdomap -N will list all registered names on the local host.


Work on gdnc started October 1998.

This manual page first appeared in gnustep-base 1.7.2 (July 2003).


gdnc was written by Richard Frith-Macdonald <[email protected]>.

This man page was written by Martin Brecher <[email protected]>.