genders_getnumnodes(3) genders_getmaxattrs,


#include <genders.h>

int genders_getnumnodes(genders_t handle);

int genders_getnumattrs(genders_t handle);

int genders_getmaxattrs(genders_t handle);

int genders_getmaxnodelen(genders_t handle);

int genders_getmaxattrlen(genders_t handle);

int genders_getmaxvallen(genders_t handle);


genders_getnumnodes(), genders_getnumattrs(), genders_getmaxattrs(), genders_getmaxnodelen(), genders_getmaxattrlen(), and genders_getmaxvallen() get statistics about the genders file associated with handle.

genders_getnumnodes() returns the number of nodes stored in the genders file.

genders_getnumattrs() returns the number of attributes listed in the genders file.

genders_getmaxattrs() returns the maximum number of attributes listed with a node in the genders file.

genders_getmaxnodelen() returns the maximum length of any node listed in the genders file.

genders_getmaxattrlen() returns the maximum length of any attribute listed in the genders file.

genders_getmaxvallen() returns the maximum length of any attribute value listed in the genders file.

In general, genders_getnumnodes(), genders_getnumattrs(), genders_getmaxattrs(), genders_getmaxnodelen(), genders_getmaxattrlen(), and genders_getmaxvallen() are used so a programmer can dynamically allocate a proper amount of memory to store genders file information in.


On success, 0 is returned. On error, -1 is returned, and an error code is returned in handle. The error code can be retrieved via genders_errnum(3) , and a description of the error code can be retrieved via genders_strerror(3). Error codes are defined in genders.h.


The handle parameter is NULL. The genders handle must be created with genders_handle_create(3).
genders_load_data(3) has not been called to load genders data.
handle has an incorrect magic number. handle does not point to a genders handle or handle has been destroyed by genders_handle_destroy(3).

