gives the variable support of a bdd node.
#include "bdd101.h"
void *getbddnodesupport( BddSystem, BddNode, Mode )
bddsystem *BddSystem;
bddnode *BddNode;
int Mode;
- BddSystem
The bdd system.
- BddNode
The bdd node.
- Mode
The type of support.
getbddnodesupport gives the support of the bdd node BddNode
in the bdd system BddSystem.
If a null pointer is given, the default bdd system is used.
If Mode is BDD_SUPPORT_CHAIN the support is returned using
chain_list else it is returned using ptype_list.
The support must be freed using the freechain or freeptype functions.
getablexprsupport returns a pointer to a chain_list or
a ptype_list.
#include "bdd101.h"
bddsystem *BddSystem;
bddcircuit *BddCircuit;
bddnode *BddNode;
chain_list *Expr;
chain_list *Support;
chain_list *ScanSupport;
bddindex Index;
BddSystem = createbddsystem( 100, 1000, 100, 50000 );
BddCircuit = createbddcircuit( "hello_world", 10, 10, BddSystem );
Expr = createablbinexpr( ABL_AND,
createablatom( "i0" ),
createablatom( "i1" ) );
BddNode = addbddcircuitabl( BddCircuit, Expr );
freeablexpr( Expr );
Support = getablbddnodesupport( (bddsystem *0), BddNode, BDD_SUPPORT_CHAIN );
for ( ScanSupport = Support;
ScanSupport != (chain_list *)0;
ScanSupport = ScanSupport->NEXT )
Index = (bddnode *)ScanSupport->INDEX;
printf( "%s ", BddCircuit->NAME_IN[ Index - BDD_INDEX_MIN ] );
freechain( Support );
destroybddsystem( (bddsystem *)0 );
destroybddcircuit( (bddcircuit *)0 );