ggzmetaserv(1) The GGZ Gaming Zone Metaserver


ggzmetaserv [OPTIONS...]


The metaserver ggzmetaserv registers GGZ servers, available game rooms on them and running games of any type (even non-GGZ games) and makes this information available to interested clients or to aggregation services such as Metacle. It has been designed to be as flexible as possible, and allows to give arbitrary options to all entries.

The server listens to connections on port 15689, and responds to XML or URI queries with a list of servers of the requested type. It should be run by server administrators, for example by inetd or xinetd, or as a stand-alone daemon to allow updates to the internal database.

Features include authentication for parts of the internal directory structure, caching of the current contents for later use, and incremental updates.

For more information, especially on the protocol format, please have a look at


-c, --configuration=FILE
Use FILE as the configuration file instead of the default, metaservconf.xml.
-C, --cache=FILE
After each update to the internal data, save all the data to this file. When the server restarts, this file is read in automatically and thus contains more recent data than the original configuration file.
-d, --daemon
Runs in daemon mode. This is what is wanted in most cases, since without this option, only queries on the command line will be responded to. Also, updates to the data are only possible in daemon mode.
-D, --debug
Output information about the connections, queries, results and disconnections.
-h, --help
Shows a help screen with a command summary.
-p, --port=PORT
Instead of the default port (15689), use PORT to accept connections. This option only makes sense in combination with --daemon.
-v, --version
Displays the version number of ggzmetaserv.
-V, --verbose
Similar to --debug, however only some information is written out, not all the transmission content.
-l, --logfile=FILE
Log messages into FILE instead of to the command line. Special values for FILE are 'stdout' and 'stderr'. This option only makes sense in combination with --debug or --verbose.




The GGZ Development Team <[email protected]>