gmap [,OPTIONS/...] ,<FASTA files/...,>, or/ cat <FASTA files...> | gmap [OPTIONS...]OPTIONS
Input options (must include -d or -g)
- -D, --dir=,directory/
- Genome directory. Default (as specified by --with-gmapdb to the configure program) is ,/var/cache/gmap/
- -d, --db=,STRING/
- Genome database. If argument is '?' (with the quotes), this command lists available databases.
- -k, --kmer=,INT/
- kmer size to use in genome database (allowed values: 16 or less). If not specified, the program will find the highest available kmer size in the genome database
- --sampling=,INT/
- Sampling to use in genome database. If not specified, the program will find the smallest available sampling value in the genome database within selected k-mer size
- -G, --genomefull
- Use full genome (all ASCII chars allowed; built explicitly during setup), not compressed version
- -g, --gseg=,filename/
- User-supplied genomic segment
- -1, --selfalign
- Align one sequence against itself in FASTA format via stdin (Useful for getting protein translation of a nucleotide sequence)
- -2, --pairalign
- Align two sequences in FASTA format via stdin, first one being genomic and second one being cDNA
- --cmdline=,STRING/,STRING
- Align these two sequences provided on the command line, first one being genomic and second one being cDNA
- -q, --part=,INT//INT
- Process only the i-th out of every n sequences e.g., 0/100 or 99/100 (useful for distributing jobs to a computer farm).
- --input-buffer-size=,INT/
- Size of input buffer (program reads this many sequences at a time for efficiency) (default 1000)
Computation options
- -B, --batch=,INT/
Batch mode (default = 2)
Mode Offsets Positions Genome
0 see note mmap mmap
1 see note mmap & preload mmap
(default) 2 see note mmap & preload mmap & preload
3 see note allocate mmap & preload
4 see note allocate allocate
5 expand allocate allocate - Note: For a single sequence, all data structures use mmap
- If mmap not available and allocate not chosen, then will use fileio (very slow)
- Note about --batch and offsets: Expansion of offsets can be controlled
- independently by the --expand-offsets flag. The --batch=,5/ option is equivalent to --batch=,4/ plus --expand-offsets=,1/
- --expand-offsets=,INT/
- Whether to expand the genomic offsets index Values: 0 (no, default), or 1 (yes). Expansion gives faster alignment, but requires more memory
- --nosplicing
- Turns off splicing (useful for aligning genomic sequences onto a genome)
- --min-intronlength=,INT/
- Min length for one internal intron (default 9). Below this size, a genomic gap will be considered a deletion rather than an intron.
- --max-intronlength-middle=,INT/
- Max length for one internal intron (default 200000)
- --max-intronlength-ends=,INT/
- Max length for first or last intron (default 10000)
- --trim-end-exons=,INT/
- Trim end exons with fewer than given number of matches (in nt, default 12)
- -w, --localsplicedist=,INT/
- Max length for known splice sites at ends of sequence (default 2000000)
- -L, --totallength=,INT/
- Max total intron length (default 2400000)
- -x, --chimera-margin=,INT/
- Amount of unaligned sequence that triggers search for the remaining sequence (default 30). Enables alignment of chimeric reads, and may help with some non-chimeric reads. To turn off, set to zero.
- --no-chimeras
- Turns off finding of chimeras. Same effect as --chimera-margin=,0/
- -t, --nthreads=,INT/
- Number of worker threads
- -c, --chrsubset=,string/
- Limit search to given chromosome
- -z, --direction=,STRING/
- cDNA direction (sense_force, antisense_force, sense_filter, antisense_filter,or auto (default))
- --canonical-mode=,INT/
- Reward for canonical and semi-canonical introns 0=low reward, 1=high reward (default), 2=low reward for high-identity sequences and high reward otherwise
- --cross-species
- Use a more sensitive search for canonical splicing, which helps especially for cross-species alignments and other difficult cases
- --allow-close-indels=,INT/
- Allow an insertion and deletion close to each other (0=no, 1=yes (default), 2=only for high-quality alignments)
- --microexon-spliceprob=,FLOAT/
- Allow microexons only if one of the splice site probabilities is greater than this value (default 0.95)
- --cmetdir=,STRING/
- Directory for methylcytosine index files (created using cmetindex) (default is location of genome index files specified using -D, -V, and -d)
- --atoidir=,STRING/
- Directory for A-to-I RNA editing index files (created using atoiindex) (default is location of genome index files specified using -D, -V, and -d)
- --mode=,STRING/
- Alignment mode: standard (default), cmet-stranded, cmet-nonstranded, atoi-stranded, atoi-nonstranded, ttoc-stranded, or ttoc-nonstranded. Non-standard modes requires you to have previously run the cmetindex or atoiindex programs (which also cover the ttoc modes) on the genome
- -p, --prunelevel
- Pruning level: 0=no pruning (default), 1=poor seqs, 2=repetitive seqs, 3=poor and repetitive
Output types
- -S, --summary
- Show summary of alignments only
- -A, --align
- Show alignments
- -3, --continuous
- Show alignment in three continuous lines
- -4, --continuous-by-exon
- Show alignment in three lines per exon
- -Z, --compress
- Print output in compressed format
- -E, --exons=,STRING/
- Print exons ("cdna" or "genomic")
- -P, --protein_dna
- Print protein sequence (cDNA)
- -Q, --protein_gen
- Print protein sequence (genomic)
- -f, --format=,INT/
Other format for output (also note the -A and -S options
and other options listed under Output types):
psl (or 1) = PSL (BLAT) format,
gff3_gene (or 2) = GFF3 gene format,
gff3_match_cdna (or 3) = GFF3 cDNA_match format,
gff3_match_est (or 4) = GFF3 EST_match format,
splicesites (or 6) = splicesites output (for GSNAP splicing file),
introns = introns output (for GSNAP splicing file),
map_exons (or 7) = IIT FASTA exon map format,
map_ranges (or 8) = IIT FASTA range map format,
coords (or 9) = coords in table format,
sampe = SAM format (setting paired_read bit in flag),
samse = SAM format (without setting paired_read bit)
Output options
- -n, --npaths=,INT/
- Maximum number of paths to show (default 5). If set to 1, GMAP will not report chimeric alignments, since those imply two paths. If you want a single alignment plus chimeric alignments, then set this to be 0.
- --suboptimal-score=,INT/
Report only paths whose score is within this value of the
best path. By default, if this option is not provided,
the program prints all paths found. - -O, --ordered
- Print output in same order as input (relevant only if there is more than one worker thread)
- -5, --md5
- Print MD5 checksum for each query sequence
- -o, --chimera-overlap
- Overlap to show, if any, at chimera breakpoint
- --failsonly
- Print only failed alignments, those with no results
- --nofails
- Exclude printing of failed alignments
- -V, --snpsdir=,STRING/
- Directory for SNPs index files (created using snpindex) (default is location of genome index files specified using -D and -d)
- -v, --use-snps=,STRING/
- Use database containing known SNPs (in <STRING>.iit, built previously using snpindex) for tolerance to SNPs
- --split-output=,STRING/
Basename for multiple-file output, separately for nomapping,
uniq, mult, (and chimera, if --chimera-margin is selected) - --failed-input=,STRING/
- Print completely failed alignments as input FASTA or FASTQ format to the given file. If the --split-output flag is also given, this file is generated in addition to the output in the .nomapping file.
- --append-output
- When --split-output or --failedinput is given, this flag will append output to the existing files. Otherwise, the default is to create new files.
- --output-buffer-size=,INT/
- Buffer size, in queries, for output thread (default 1000). When the number of results to be printed exceeds this size, the worker threads are halted until the backlog is cleared
- --translation-code=,INT/
- Genetic code used for translating codons to amino acids and computing CDS Integer value (default=1) corresponds to an available code at
- -F, --fulllength
- Assume full-length protein, starting with Met
- -a, --cdsstart=,INT/
- Translate codons from given nucleotide (1-based)
- -T, --truncate
- Truncate alignment around full-length protein, Met to Stop Implies -F flag.
- -Y, --tolerant
- Translates cDNA with corrections for frameshifts
Options for GFF3 output
- --gff3-add-separators=,INT/
- Whether to add a ### separator after each query sequence Values: 0 (no), 1 (yes, default)
Options for SAM output
- --no-sam-headers
- Do not print headers beginning with '@'
- --sam-use-0M
- Insert 0M in CIGAR between adjacent insertions and deletions Required by Picard, but can cause errors in other tools
- --force-xs-dir
- For RNA-Seq alignments, disallows XS:A:? when the sense direction is unclear, and replaces this value arbitrarily with XS:A:+. May be useful for some programs, such as Cufflinks, that cannot handle XS:A:?. However, if you use this flag, the reported value of XS:A:+ in these cases will not be meaningful.
- --md-lowercase-snp
In MD string, when known SNPs are given by the -v flag,
prints difference nucleotides as lower-case when they,
differ from reference but match a known alternate allele - --action-if-cigar-error
- Action to take if there is a disagreement between CIGAR length and sequence length Allowed values: ignore, warning (default), abort
- --read-group-id=,STRING/
- Value to put into read-group id (RG-ID) field
- --read-group-name=,STRING/
- Value to put into read-group name (RG-SM) field
- --read-group-library=,STRING/
- Value to put into read-group library (RG-LB) field
- --read-group-platform=,STRING/
- Value to put into read-group library (RG-PL) field
Options for quality scores
- --quality-protocol=,STRING/
- Protocol for input quality scores. Allowed values: illumina (ASCII 64-126) (equivalent to -J 64 -j -31) sanger (ASCII 33-126) (equivalent to -J 33 -j 0)
- Default is sanger (no quality print shift)
- SAM output files should have quality scores in sanger protocol
- Or you can specify the print shift with this flag:
- -j, --quality-print-shift=,INT/
- Shift FASTQ quality scores by this amount in output (default is 0 for sanger protocol; to change Illumina input to Sanger output, select -31)
External map file options
- -M, --mapdir=,directory/
- Map directory
- -m, --map=,iitfile/
Map file. If argument is '?' (with the quotes),
this lists available map files. - -e, --mapexons
- Map each exon separately
- -b, --mapboth
- Report hits from both strands of genome
- -u, --flanking=,INT/
- Show flanking hits (default 0)
- --print-comment
- Show comment line for each hit
Alignment output options
- -N, --nolengths
- No intron lengths in alignment
- -I, --invertmode=,INT/
- Mode for alignments to genomic (-) strand: 0=Don't invert the cDNA (default) 1=Invert cDNA and print genomic (-) strand 2=Invert cDNA and print genomic (+) strand
- -i, --introngap=,INT/
- Nucleotides to show on each end of intron (default 3)
- -l, --wraplength=,INT/
- Wrap length for alignment (default 50)
Filtering output options
- --min-trimmed-coverage=,FLOAT/
- Do not print alignments with trimmed coverage less this value (default=0.0, which means no filtering) Note that chimeric alignments will be output regardless of this filter
- --min-identity=,FLOAT/
- Do not print alignments with identity less this value (default=0.0, which means no filtering) Note that chimeric alignments will be output regardless of this filter Help options
- --check
- Check compiler assumptions
- --version
- Show version
- --help
Show this help message
- Other tools of GMAP suite are located in /usr/lib/gmap