SYNOPSIS -w png ontology/gene_ontology.obo | display - ontology/gene_ontology.obo 'acc' GO:0007610 ontology/so.obo 'name' 'protein'
exports a graph as an indented ascii tree, PNG or OBO fileARGUMENTS
after the file name you can optionally specify query constraint pairs; eg
acc GO:0007610 name 'cysteine biosynthesis'
-w EXPORT_FORMATone of text, obo or png
If this switch is specified, then caching mode is turned on.With caching mode, the first time you parse a file, then an additional file will be exported in a special format that is fast to parse. This file will have the same filename as the original file, except it will have the ``.cache'' suffix.
The next time you parse the file, this program will automatically check for the existence of the ``.cache'' file. If it exists, and is more recent than the file you specified, this is parsed instead. If it does not exist, it is rebuilt.