the grub shell
Enter the GRand Unified Bootloader command shell.
- --batch
turn on batch mode for non-interactive use
- --boot-drive=DRIVE
specify stage2 boot_drive [default=0x0]
- --config-file=FILE
specify stage2 config_file [default=/boot/grub/menu.lst]
- --device-map=FILE
use the device map file FILE
- --help
display this message and exit
- --hold
wait until a debugger will attach
- --install-partition=PAR
specify stage2 install_partition [default=0x20000]
- --no-config-file
do not use the config file
- --no-curses
do not use curses
- --no-floppy
do not probe any floppy drive
- --no-pager
do not use internal pager
- --preset-menu
use the preset menu
- --probe-second-floppy
probe the second floppy drive
- --read-only
do not write anything to devices
- --verbose
print verbose messages
- --version
print version information and exit