hdiff(1) compares two HDF files and reports the differences


hdiff [-V] [-b] [-g] [-s] [-d] [-D] [-S] [-v var1[,...]] [-u var1[,...]] [-e count] [-t limit] [-p relative] file1 file2


hdiff compares two HDF files and reports the differences.


Display version of the HDF4 library and exit
Verbose mode
Compare global attributes only
Compare SD local attributes only
Compare SD data only
Compare Vdata data only
Print statistics
-v var1[,...]
Compare SD data on variable(s) var1,... only
-u var1[,...]
Compare vdata on variable(s) var1,... only
-e count
Print difference up to count number for each variable
-t limit
Print difference when it is greater than limit
-p relative
Print difference when it is greater than a relative limit
File name of the first HDF file
File name of the second HDF file

The 'count' value must be a positive integer

The 'limit' and 'relative' values must be positive numbers

The -t compare criteria is |a - b| > limit

The -p compare criteria is |(b-a)/a| > relative

Return codes: 0 (no differences found), 1 (differences found)