hfst-ospell(1) Spell checker tool based on HFST




Use automata in ZHFST-ARCHIVE or from OPTIONS to check and correct
-h, --help
Print this help message
-V, --version
Print version information
-v, --verbose
Be verbose
-q, --quiet
Don't be verbose (default)
-s, --silent
Same as quiet
-a, --analyse
Analyse strings and corrections
-n, --limit=N
Show at most N suggestions
-w, --max-weight=W
Suppress corrections with weights above W
-b, --beam=W
Suppress corrections worse than best candidate by more than W
-t, --time-cutoff=T
Stop trying to find better corrections after T seconds (T is a float)
-S, --suggest
Suggest corrections to mispellings
-X, --real-word
Also suggest corrections to correct words
-m, --error-model
Use this error model (must also give lexicon as option)
-l, --lexicon
Use this lexicon (must also give erro model as option)


Report bugs to [email protected]

hfstospell 0.4.0
Jan 11 2016 12:57:25
Copyright (C) 2009 - 2016 University of Helsinki