[-i format ] [-o format ] [INPUT ] [OUTPUT ]OPTIONS
With no INPUT, or when INPUT is -, read standard input. With no OUTPUT, or when OUTPUT is -, write standard output.
-h, --help this help message
--hf, --help-formats description of formats and options
-i, --input-format=FORMAT use FORMAT for input
--io=LIST, --input-options=LIST use LIST input format options
-o, --output-format=FORMAT use FORMAT for output
--oo=LIST, --output-options=LIST use LIST output format options
The following formats are supported by :
- Format Ta [I/O] Ta Description
- natv Ta [IO] Ta native
- xml Ta [IO] Ta XML
- spec Ta [ O] Ta specification example
- code Ta [ O] Ta source code
Default options are -i natv -o natv.
- /usr/share/xml/schema/hidrd.xsd
- Schema for the HID <-> XML converter.