version 2.03DESCRIPTION
Plugins can be added to a form or any element to modify their behaviour. Some plugins should only be added to either a form, or an element, depending on their design.METHODS
Plugins can override any of the following method stubs.process
Only plugins added to a form or a field element inheriting from HTML::FormFu::Role::Element::Field will have their "process" method run.For form plugins, is called during ``process'' in HTML::FormFu, before "process" is called on any elements.
For field plugins, is called during the field's "process" call.
For form plugins, is called immediately after "pre_process" is run on the elements.For element plugins, is called before "pre_process" is run on form plugins.
For form plugins, is called immediately before ``process'' in HTML::FormFu returns.For element plugins, is called before "post_process" is run on form plugins.
Only plugins added to a form will have their "render" method run.Is called during ``render'' in HTML::FormFu before the ``render_method'' in HTML::FormFu is called.
Only plugins added to a form will have their "post_render" method run.Is called during ``render'' in HTML::FormFu immediately before ``render'' in HTML::FormFu return.
Is passed a reference to the return value of ``render_method'' in HTML::FormFu.
- HTML::FormFu::Plugin::StashValid
Carl Franks, "[email protected]"LICENSE
This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.