The module implementing this behaviour shall be supplied to to the servers configuration with the option customize
response_default_headers() -> [Header]
Header = {HeaderName :: string(), HeaderValue::string()}
- string:to_lower/1 will be performed on the HeaderName
Header = {HeaderName :: string(), HeaderValue::string()}
Provide default headers for the HTTP servers responses. Note that this option may override built-in defaults.
response_header({HeaderName, HeaderValue}) -> {true, Header} | false
Header = {HeaderName :: string(), HeaderValue::string()}
- The header name will be in lower case and should not be altered.
Header = {HeaderName :: string(), HeaderValue::string()}
Filter and possible alter HTTP response headers before they are sent to the client.
request_header({HeaderName, HeaderValue}) -> {true, Header} | false
Header = {HeaderName :: string(), HeaderValue::string()}
- The header name will be in lower case and should not be altered.
Header = {HeaderName :: string(), HeaderValue::string()}
Filter and possible alter HTTP request headers before they are processed by the server.